Subject: Studies for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - B - January 15, 2012

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Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 15, 2012

Come and See

With this simple phrase, Jesus invited two followers of the Baptist to spend an afternoon with him. Of course, that afternoon would stretch into a lifetime and beyond. He calls us to come and see, to follow him, this afternoon and forever.

MP3 PODCAST In this week’s audio podcast, Eddie asked his father a question we all ask ourselves: How do we know God is calling us? The answer depends upon our feeling, our context, and those around us.

FIRST READING 1 Samuel told the story of Samuel’s roots, especially his call to prophecy. God called and the young man responded. Do we hear the call of God.=?

PSALM Psalm 40 is actually two prayers connected by a transition. It praises God, then asks for his help in time of need. We can praise him for the good times; call out to him in the bad. Sometimes the difference between the two is matter of moments.

SECOND READING St. Paul wrote the church in Corinth about the freedom God calls us to. It is not a freedom to immoral choice, but a freedom to become what God wants us to be. It is a gift that includes everything about us, even our bodies.

GOSPEL In John’s gospel, Andrew and a friend left the Baptist so they could disciples follow Jesus. Jesus asked them what they were doing; they inquired where Jesus was staying. Then, Jesus called them with an invitation, “Come and see.”

CHILDREN’S READINGS In the story for the first reading, Danny feared the dark. One night, he woke more than once from a voice calling him. The nightmare wouldn’t go away, until he found the real source of the call. Samuel also heard a voice in the night and would not find rest until he knew the source of the voice, God. In the story for the gospel, Sally received an invitation to a mystery party. “Come and see what will happen next!” the invitation read. Like Sally, two men heard the call of Jesus to “Come and see” what he was really all about.

CATECHISM LINK In this week’s Catechism Link, we discuss the Holy Spirit, the power of God that John the Baptist saw descend upon Jesus.

FAMILY ACTIVITY “Come and see.” Jesus invited two men to see where he lived. These men soon became followers. Jesus calls us to follow him, as well. What sort of invitation cards would he use if he sent them today? Create such cards with your family members.

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God bless you and yours this New Year,

Larry Broding