Subject: Studies for the Feast of the Body and Blood of Our Lord - A - June 26, 2011

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Daily Bible Reading     
The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ – A - June 26, 2011

One With Christ

The central focal point of faith experience for Catholics is Communion. In the Eucharist, unity with God becomes palpable, tangible. When we understand Communion, we understand the type of God we worship, a God of self-giving. We also understand our response: total commitment.

Vigil for the Feast of the Birth of the Baptist   June 23, 2011

Feast of the Birth of the Baptist    June 24, 2011

MP3 PODCAST In this week's audio podcast, we consider a “better life.” What is a “better life?” What are we willing to sacrifice for this better life? In an interesting way, Eucharist is a sign of a better life with God and the sacrifice made for that better life.

FIRST READING In the book of Exodus, Moses reminded the Israelites of God's loving concern. YHWH gave his people manna to eat and water from a rock to drink. These were signs that invited the Israelites to form a relationship with their God. In the same manner, the bread and wine offered
in the Eucharist are invitations to grow closer to the Lord.

PSALM Psalm 147 is a hymn of praise. Actually it's three hymns linked together. One hymn praised God for his care of the poor. Another praised God for his power over the seasons. The last reminded Jerusalem to praise God for its place and protection. There are many reasons to praise God. All we need to do is look for these reasons.

SECOND READING In his first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminded his community that they were defined by their partaking in a meal. Communion forms bonds of friendship, common interests and purpose, and, ultimately, community. In other words, communion forms and defines “Church.”

GOSPEL In these passages from John 6, Jesus declared his identity and his purpose in the world. He was the living bread from heaven. His purpose was to bring eternal life to all those who put their faith in him. He would reveal himself and his gift in a meal of commitment, the Eucharist. As Christians, do we take that revelation and offer for granted?

CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the First Reading, Sally helped to celebrate grandma's birthday. Sally's family, aunts and uncles and cousins, everyone at the party were a living memory of the day her grandmother was born. In the same way, we gather together at Mass as a living memory to the day Jesus offered himself to the Father on the cross. In the story for the Gospel, Donny made a commitment to help his family celebrate his birthday. Such celebrations require commitment from everyone to make the celebrations a success. We, too, should commit ourselves in Communion to Jesus. After all, he committed himself to us.

CATECHISM LINK In the Catechism Link, we discuss the meaning of bread and wine at the Last Supper.

FAMILY ACTIVITY To emphasize the importance of food and family bonding, make and share some fresh bread.
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God bless you and yours this summer,

Larry Broding