Subject: Studies for the Body and Blood of Christ - June 2, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

The Body and Blood of Christ - Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Little We Have Is Enough

The story about the multiplication of the loaves and fish has a simple moral: the little we have is more than enough for God. He can take our small possession and small hearts to produce an abundance. This is the core message of the Eucharist. When we eat the Bread of Life and drink the blood of the Lord, we partake in the meal of eternity.




WEEKLY BLOG: Better than the Lotto?

MP3 PODCAST In this week’s podcast, we discover that even the little we have in more than enough, in the hands of God.

FIRST READING The book of Genesis presents us with the legendary figure of Melchezedek, the priest of “God Most High.” He blessed Abram and the patriarch’s God with a communion meal of bread and wine.

PSALM Psalm 110 was a royal psalm for David and his descendants.

SECOND READING From St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, we have the first record for the words of Eucharistic Institution. This is My Body. This is My Blood. These words took on a deeper meaning in the community, for, when they were invoked, the Lord was truly present.

GOSPEL Luke’s gospel presents us with the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, a foreshadowing of the Last Supper.

CHILDREN READINGS In the story for the first reading, Sally’s family celebrated her grandmother’s birthday. This was a family remembrance of a birth event that only her grandmother experienced, yet a moment that demanded a party. At Eucharist, we remember an event with the person who was there, even though we weren’t. In the story for the gospel, little Joey, the boy no one would play with, became the hero for his initiative during a school fire. The little became the big. The small was enough, just like the lunch a boy had that Jesus used to feed 5000 people.

CATECHISM LINK In this week’s Catechism Link, we investigate the Eucharist.

FAMILY ACTIVITY To celebrate the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, make and share fresh bread at your next family meal.

Upcoming Studies

May 26: Trinity Sunday

Daily Readings: Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

June 2: The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

Daily Readings: Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding