Subject: Studies for Trinity Sunday - C - Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

Trinity Sunday - Sunday, May 26, 2013

Father Son and Spirit

As Christians, we take the Trinity for granted. I think this is true because, most of the time, we don’t seek God’s will and guidance. Yes, we affirm our belief in Father, Son, and Spirit, but do we trust God with our immediate future? Do we seek out Jesus to be our personal friend? Are we open to and hope in the work of the Spirit in our lives? Our faith, as historically rich as it is, cannot stand pat. We must look to the future. This is where we will see God act. This is where the reality of the Trinity comes alive. We give glory to the Father who works in our lives. We look forward the coming of the Son, both in the Eucharist and at the end of time. And we place our hope in the Spirit, our guide in life.



WEEKLY BLOG Is the Trinity a template for the Church?

MP3 PODCAST In this week’s audio podcast, we consider the overwhelming amount of information we receive. How do we sift through the avalanche of data? Wisdom and trust. Who gives us wisdom? Who do we trust? The answer is Jesus.

FIRST READING The book of Proverbs spoke highly of wisdom. This virtue came from God and led others back to God. It was a virtue to seek and cherish.

PSALM Psalm 8 spoke to the majesty of God and the awesome display of power in creation.

SECOND READING In Romans 5, St. Paul spoke to the Christian life, a life built upon a hope that endures suffering. A life in the Trinity.

GOSPEL The gospel of John described what the Spirit would do for the believer. The Spirit will bring a person to the truth, not a philosophic or scientific truth, but a true relationship with the Father through the Son.

CHILDREN’S READINGS The first reading tells us that we are free, especially as children of God. In the story for the second reading, Tony depended on his best friend Roberta to tell him the truth, even when it hurt. The Spirit helps us to see the truth and to live through the times when the truth hurts. The Spirit is a close friend in need.

CATECHISM LINK No surprise, this week’s Catechism Link focuses on the Trinity.

FAMILY ACTIVITY As Christians we should trust the Spirit to lead us, but do we really place our trust in the third person of the Trinity? To put trust to the test, create an obstacle course and play “Do you trust me?”

Upcoming Studies

May 19: Pentecost

Daily Readings: Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

May 26: Trinity Sunday

Daily Readings: Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

June 2: The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

Daily Readings: Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding