Subject: Studies for Christ the King - C - November 24, 2013

Sunday Studies eNotice
Sunday Studies eNotice

Christ the King - C - November 24, 2013

Our Forgiving King

A real test of power is the willingness to forgive. A strong leader can show magnanimity towards enemies, while the weak insist upon stern justice, even vengeance. Even on the cross, Jesus revealed his power as he forgave the Good Thief.



WEEKLY BLOG Does fear impede forgiveness?

MP3 PODCAST In this week's audio podcast, we consider the power of the second chance, “may be, just maybe.”

FIRST READING 2 Samuel depicted the allegiance given to David at his coronation. This scene foreshadowed the crucifixion, when Jesus was realized king of the nation, and king of the cosmos.

PSALM Psalm 122 was an arrival hymn for the pilgrim. It praised the city of David and prayed for peace upon the destination of the pilgrim. Most of all, it connected pilgrim with holy ground and the source of that holiness.

SECOND READING Colossians 1 wove a liturical hymn into the letter, a song that praised God for the gift of his Son, he who would be the presence and activity of the divine on earth.

GOSPEL In Luke 23, Jesus forgave the Good Thief. In doing so, he showed everyone that, even in the darkest hour, there still is hope.

CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story of the first reading, Sandra was the captain of her basketball team. She wasn't the most talented girl on the team or the tallest. But Sandra showed her teammates respect, encouragement, and an insistence on fair play. She showed leadership, just like King David. In the story for the gospel, Julie's horrible day turned better when she helped her younger brother. Like Julie, Jesus was alone on the cross but reached out to the Good Thief when he asked for salvation.

CATECHISM LINK In this week's Catechism Link, we discuss Jesus, our King, Priest and Prophet.

FAMILY ACTIVITY Bring the gospel message home with a poster entitled “Jesus, Our Forgiving King.”

Upcoming Studies

November 17: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Daily Reading: 33rd Week in Ordinary Time

November 24: Christ the King

Daily Reading: 34th Week in Ordinary Time

November 28: Thanksgiving (USA)

November 30: St. Andrew

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding