Subject: Changes coming to

Changes coming to

No, isn’t going away. But the email service will change. Beginning the week of November 11, the email notice will be called “This Sunday” and will appear two days later, on the Monday of the week at 6:00 am. And it will include access to new materials.

What are these new materials? Well….that's the HUGE NEWS!!! On and off for the past decade, I have changed my focus from the readings to general studies in the New Testament. Now, my progress on this matter is online in a new website. Introducing, Faith in the Early Church. This site includes historical, social, economic context for the Greco-Roman and Jewish cultures. It also includes several background pieces on the early faith. It also has a large section on oral tradition before the gospels were written (specifically on the Passion-Resurrection narrative and the “Q” source). Finally, it includes commentaries on Mark, Luke-Acts, the entire Pauline corpus and the book of Revelation (that represents over 60% of the Christian Scriptures); in the commentaries, I do take some time laying out my thoughts on the dating of the various books in the New Testament.

My work on the site in not complete. I still have to write commentaries on Matthew, John, Hebrews, James and the Catholic letters. Yet, I made significant progress to justify putting my thoughts online. I hope this work helps you on your study of the Scriptures.

Email me and let me know what you think.

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