Subject: The truth about the Charlie Brown Christmas special

Hello Friend,

     Many people are not aware of this, but the Charlie Brown Christmas special,
with its anti commercial Christmas message came about due to one company..

Coca Cola.

Yes, its true.  

Executives at Coca Cola decided they wanted to sponsor some sort of a Christmas
special, and this was the one they picked.

In fact, when the special was first shown on national tv (keeping in mind there were only
3 television channels back then) the audience that watched it consisted of about 45%
of the population.

So Coke certainly got their commercial message out, with an anti-commercial show.

How  +about that?

    And, there was actually a scene where Linus bumps into a tree, that has a Coca Cola
sign on it.   (I have never seen this, and the scene was edited out when Coke stopped sponsoring
the show a long time ago).

You know why the show resonates with so many people, and still does?

Because it speaks the truth and honesty about what is real.

And so people connected to it.

Plus the cool jazz themes and songs in the show still linger in peoples minds.

I think I was humming one in the shower the other morning.

     Regardless of what holiday you happen to be celebrating, may I take this opportunity to
wish you and yours a very merry Christmas (the holiday I am celebrating) and a very happy,
healthy and prosperous 2016!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Remember that miserable Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the special?
      Well I saw an exact copy  on sale at a hardware store  recently for $18.95.  I was tempted to buy
       it, but resisted in the end!