Subject: Are you suffering from the effects of Light Pollution?

Hello Friend,

In one way or another, you are suffering by something as simple as not sleeping in a completely darkened room every night.

One of the reasons I like Manitoulin Island, here in Northern Ontario is because we have relatively dark skies in which to observe
or do CCD imaging.

We even have an RASC designated Dark Sky Preserve at Gordon's Park which Rita & Terry Gordon worked very hard to build.
IF you like to camp and-and stargaze, it is a superb place to visit.

But here is the problem; The scourge of light pollution affects so many today, and especially those that live in the suburbs and places
like Toronto, where the night sky is now, for the most part, a completely secondary thought.

That is why it was a pleasure t0 hear Robert Dick of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and Roberta Bondar, the former astronaut from Sault Ste. Marie discusses these matters on the CBC radio this past week with interviewer Anna Marie Tremonte/.

Its pretty sad when only a very small percentage of humans can see a dark sky today.

As humans, we do have a long-standing connection to the night sky.  It creates as sense of curiosity and wonder in our minds
The disconnection with that does have consequences.  You lose touch with something that is natural.

Now I know many still stargaze in the city, and I do that occasionally as well, but it is not easy, and certainly not like it was when I was
growing up in Toronto, and could still see several constellations as well.

The option is to drive to darker sky sights, but let's face it with our busy lives today, very few people are going to make the extra effort
required to do so.

Planetariums are essentially like Zoos. Sure you can see the animals, but it's not like seeing them in their natural habitat, i.e., dark sky.

While you can't fight "progress", some enlightened cities and towns are implementing light pollution reduction strategies
to reduce the effects of light pollutions. Many volunteers work behind the scenes to make this happen.

Wishing you dark and clear skies,

Ray Khan

PS Don't forget it is Father's day tomorrow Sunday. Here is to all you dad's out there.And we have a whole slew of equipment on sale right now, and ton\s of accessories in stock.  Drop by our retail store or drop an email to or or give us a call.We are open seven days a week.

PPS Our Celestron Nexstar SE sale is in full swing right now, and stock is on hand.