Subject: A guy walks up to a bar on a Sudbury Saturday night

Hello Friend,

There is a famous song by the late Canadian Icon Stompin' Tom Connors.

Here is a sampling of his lyrics for the song he wrote and performed, Sudbury Saturday night,
a mining town in Northern Ontario. (Inco is a mining outfit.)

Yeah, the girls are out to bingo
And the boys are gettin' stinko
And we'll think no more of Inco
On a Sudbury Saturday night

Now old Tom, he travelled all across Canada with his guitar, and usually wrote songs about he places he visited, and worked in.

Now Sudbury can be an interesting place on a Saturday night, just like Tom says in his song.

I enjoy live music, and was checking out a band playing at a local venue.  I was standing at the bar, enjoying a beer, listening
to the 3 piece band,  playing some hard hitting Rockabilly/rock music when some guys walk up to the bar, and while waiting for the bartender, starts up a conversation with me over the loud music.

He had obviously already had a few.

He then proceeds to buy a couple of shots of Tequila, and offers one to me, and says "Drink up buddy, you are going to have an amazing experience":. I obliged him, and then he grabbed his two drinks and headed back to his wife.

About 30 minutes later, he was back and the same performance was repeated.  He would not let me pay for the round either this time, which I offered to do.

Well, let's just say it was an interesting experience, and if you ever head to Sudbury, be sure to check out the Townhouse Inn,
which also happens to make one of the best burgers around.

Meanwhile, check out the special offer we have on this month for Celestron Nexstar Series telescopes and CPC series telescopes.

Super deals on the very popular Nexstar Series, available in 4, 5, 6 & 8 inch sizes.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Why was he called Stompin' Tom? Because he always stomped his heel to keep in time with the music.