Subject: Want to understand why every time you try something new, the results don’t last?

Hi Friend,

Have you ever tried something new (new diet, new workout, detox, mindfulness practice, etc.), made some decent progress, and then the next thing you know, you’re right back where you started? 


It’s frustrating. I could fill a book with all of the things I’ve never finished – including books! Why is it so hard to maintain weight loss, hydration habits, healthy eating, exercising, etc.? One reason (and there are many) is based on biology, and another is perceived reward. 


Consider unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking too much, or eating junk food. The one thing these things all have in common is instant gratification. The pleasure center of your brain lights up as dopamine is released into your system (biology). Even though these substances are harmful to your health, they naturally reward your brain which encourages you to crave more. So, you stick with the habit because there’s always a reward. Who doesn’t like being rewarded?


Healthy habits like eating good food, exercising, meditation, and staying hydrated have their rewards, but not right away. It’s hard to be consistent when you don’t get immediate results and there’s no spontaneous burst of feel-good hormones flooding your system causing you to want more. It takes time and repetition to experience the feel-good feelings associated with consistent, healthy choices. Often what happens is you start excited to start something new but give up if you don’t see any immediate benefits. Or you might even tell yourself it’s ok to skip a day, which turns in two, three, or more days. We all know how that goes. 


Those are two of the biggest reasons healthy habits don’t stick. It creates an endless loop of starting and stopping healthy habits without ever receiving the full reward.


There are ways to change this to ensure you stick to your healthy habits. And one of them is to reward yourself! Here are a few to get you started or come up with your own:


  • Eat a piece of quality dark chocolate after your workout. It’s rich in nutrients and antioxidants and feels a bit decadent. 

  • Listen to a podcast that inspires you.

  • Go to an artisan fair and support local talent.

  • Be of service to someone. This can be as simple as offering a sincere compliment or giving a bottle of water to your mail carrier on a warm day.

  • Take a cooking class or watch a cooking show on TV and make the recipe.

  • Designate a lazy day where you have permission to do absolutely nothing.

  • Read a book for pure pleasure.

  • Entice your tastebuds with a new flavor of the tea.

  • Go for a walk with a friend.


And don’t give up on your healthy habit. As the adage says, slow and steady wins the race. You’re still in the race. Make sure you get the reward you so justly deserve!


I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that accountability is another way to stay engaged with creating new habits. If you’d like to learn more about how I can help you, schedule your free session with me here

Wishing you well,
