Subject: Living in the Christmas moment

Hi Friend,

I’ve heard so many people say they prefer Thanksgiving to Christmas. I used to balk at that idea. I love Christmas – the lights, the trees, giving and receiving, a beautiful church service with music and candles – it’s all magical to me.

But the more I thought about it, the more I understood why Thanksgiving would be more appealing. It’s simpler. It’s about gathering around a table and breaking bread with people you love. It’s an opportunity to share stories. Expectations are lower, which allows us to be more at the moment making memories.

As I noodled what it was that I loved most about both holidays, I decided to link the magic and majesty of Christmas with the gratitude of Thanksgiving.

Here’s a rough draft of my plan:

  • When I take Titus on our evening walk, I’m going to look for holiday lights and decorations because they’ll only be here a little bit longer. I want to appreciate the love and commitment the owner put in to making their house look festive.

  • I’m going to ask questions of the people seated near me at Christmas dinner and be an active listener. I don’t need to hear myself speak – I already know what I think.

  • When my mom says grace over the meal she and my aunt lovingly prepared, I will be still and honor the moment.

  • I will keep my eyes opened and look for ways to be of service. Maybe it’s helping someone who looks like they could use a hand or dropping in on a neighbor with some cookies (that my husband made of course!).

  • I will do my best to keep my opinions to myself unless asked. I’ve learned that sometimes people just want to talk and they’re perfectly capable of figuring out their own problems. They just need to hear themselves think. I will hold that space for them.

  • And something I already do but wanted to share with you is watch the Hallmark Christmas and Hannukah movies. This is one of my annual traditions that I love. It’s surprising how much you can learn if you pay attention to the lessons that are woven into the plots.

What’s your plan for living in the moment? I’d love to hear it.

Wishing you abundant blessings,

Dr. Kat