Subject: Can Poor Digestion Can Get in the Way of You Losing Weight?

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10 ways to support digestion and lose weight 

Weight loss does not have to be as hard as it seems. By understanding the physiology of digestion, we can improve it and let our bodies to lose the extra weight itself. Digestion is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system. Our job is to keep it activated while we are eating for effective and efficient digestion. Here are some ways to do that:

Nose breathing: We use both our nose and mouth for the breathing process. Mouth breathing is used when we are engaged in heavy work or if the nose is congested. Try to use nose breathing, more as it is directly linked to proper regulation of the nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is activated with slow nose breathing—the same system involved with proper digestion. So take few deep breaths through your nose before starting your meal.

Add vinegar: This can be a good remedy for problems like acid reflux, bloating, and constipation. Take one tablespoon of vinegar (raw apple cider like Bragg's) before your meal. It may not taste the best, but it promotes good digestive functions and sends a message to our internal organs to release enzymes that help activate the digestive process and facilitate proper food digestion.

Mindful Eating: Stop all other activities while eating. Set your phones aside, switch off the TV, and concentrate on the food. Try to inhale in deeply as you start. Actually look at what you're eating. Notice the appearance, texture, and ingredients of your food.

Sitting position: “Multi-tasking” while eating food activates the sympathetic nervous system. This system stops the digestion process to help you with the other work you are doing. When our digestive process is disturbed, it leads to a variety of problems. Eat calmly and slowly in a seated position.

Proper chewing of food: Chew food slowly and properly. This is the first process of mechanical digestion. The food should be appropriately dissolved before swallowing. This eases digestion and encourages the optimal performance of enzymes.

Eat slowly: Try to avoid eating quickly; take small bites, chew thoroughly, and eat slowly. Allocate at least 15-20 minutes for each meal. Rushing through meals often leads to over eating because you're just not paying attention to what you're doing.

Tea: Chamomile, peppermint, and ginger tea are good for the digestive process. One of my favorites is Licorice Root tea. It has a spicy, cinnamon taste. If you're experiencing bloating or other digestive disturbances, try a tea. Tea can also help relieve nausea, bloating, cramping, and acid-reflux.

Yoga: Try yoga poses that are designed to help relieve digestive problems like spinal twists (either seated or lying down). This will not alleviate just the digestive problems but will also help maintain physical and mental health.

Aerobic exercise: Try to do at least 10-15 minutes of aerobic exercises daily. It's not that difficult to set aside such a small amount of time in your daily routine. Use the FSA method (fun, sweaty and active). Walking, running, jogging, or cycling are pretty popular. The important thing is to pick something you actually like doing. Cardio improves blood circulation, burns calories, and helps prevents cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Avoid Salty Foods: Cut out salty food items like snacks and processed foods. They disturb your body’s metabolism, can lead to heart diseases and can add excess weight. If it's the crunch you're looking for, try a healthy choice like vegetables. If it's sweet you're after, fresh fruits can easily satisfy your craving if you give it a chance! You probably know this by now, but avoid artificial sweeteners and artificial juices as well. Do your best not to exceed the daily allowance of 1500 mg- 2300mg of salt. This is equal to one teaspoon or less per day.

Enjoy one of my favorite fall soup recipe at the bottom of this email,
Apple Butternut Squash Soup.

BTW - There has been a change in the start date of the 7 Day Gut Health Program.

We're starting next Monday, October 2 due to a death in the family of one of the health coaches. I hope you understand and look forward to sharing this experience with you on October 2.

If you’re seriously interested in getting healthy, restoring your digestion and boosting your energy then check out my new comprehensive program 7-Day Restore your Gut Health, click here for details. In the program you'll receive a ton of delicious satisfying recipes as well as strategies that will help rebuild your intestinal flora.

Join 100’s of people who’ve lost weight, improved their skin, lowered their blood sugar, felt calmer and more clear headed as well as reduced symptoms of disease.

What Is Included In The Program?

Daily Communication
An Easy Preparation Packet
Delicious Recipes
Daily Modules
Daily Discussion Questions
Daily Audios
Private Facebook Support Group. If you aren't already on Facebook, I will help you setup an account so you can participate.
3 Health Coaches To Guide You Through The Process
Gain Confidence and clarity about healthy eating and lifestyle

During the 7-Day Restore Your Gut Health Program, we'll focus on food that heals you—not hurt you. In case you're wondering, it's not a crazy diet. Just simple, gut healing back to basics meal planning.

And the best part is you'll have THREE seasoned Health Coaches to help you on your journey to a better, healthier you! Our group program begins October 2-9. The cost is only $47. You are so worth it! Reply to this email with questions.

To your health & happiness,

Kat Ogar

Enjoy the Fall Soup Recipe!

Apple Butternut Squash Soup
Makes 4 servings

  • 2 apples, chopped
  • 3 pounds butternut squash, peeled and chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
  • 2-inch piece ginger, peeled and grated
  • 4 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 bunch parsley, chopped

  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. 
  2. Add apples, squash, and onion to a large mixing bowl. 
  3. Coat the apples, squash, and onion well with melted coconut oil.
  4. Lay the mixture on a shallow baking pan and bake for about 35-40 minutes. The mixture should be soft and brown around the edges. 
  5. Next, add the roasted mixture to a large soup pot. 
  6. Add grated ginger and vegetable broth. 
  7. Cook for about 10 minutes until hot. 
  8. Use an immersion blender or a high-speed blender to make a smooth soup. (If using a blender, be mindful when blending hot liquids.)
Serve with fresh parsley.

** Optional: Add some diced chicken or hemp seeds for protein!

ENJOY! ~ 617.678.4088
133 Washington Street, Norwell, MA 02061, United States
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