Subject: Content Marketing - A Google Penguin Tip

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Febuary 18, 2015 / Newsletter 021815

Be SUPER Careful of the Content Marketing Strategies You Use
A Tip on Penguin 3.0 (Linking)

By Karen Cioffi

In November of 2014, I noticed my Global and U.S. Alexa rankings were rising. The lower these numbers the better.

I had pretty good rankings before Penguin's newest update hit the internet. I went from U.S. around 50,000 to U.S. around 300,000.

As an ethical writer and marketer, I work hard to maintain my online presence and build a strong and reliable platform – a platform that helps others through high quality information.

Well, what worked yesterday, doesn’t work today. In fact, what worked yesterday and doesn’t work today will get you knocked upside the head and thrown to the wayside.

Okay, I was and still am a bit peeved and very disappointed.

As I mentioned, I’ve been hit by Google’s new Penguin algorithm update that deals with the links on your website. I haven't done any link maintenance on my site and it's finally caught up to me. My search ranking has dropped because of it.


There are two types of linking to be concerned about with Penguin:

1. Internal links

These are links you use to bring the reader further into your webpages. You can link to a webpage or a blog post.  The idea is to keep the reader on your site longer and motivate that reader to move onto other pages on your site.

This is an excellent marketing strategy as long as ALL the links you created function properly.

Check for broken links. Google hates broken links.

2. External links

These are links from your website out to other websites.

There are two noteworthy mentions here:

A. Make sure you're not linking to a 'spammy site.'

This one takes a lot of care. You absolutely need to 'check out the sites you're linking to. And, if you accept a guest blog, you need to 'check out' the link the author will include in the post.

Then there are blog comments. Some unscrupulous people or bots will make a generic comment just to stick a 'spam' link in it. Again, you need to check the external links on your site. If the comment link is suspicious, delete the comment.

B. Make sure none of the links are broken.

If you've been blogging for a while (years and years), the sites you linked to 5 or 10 years ago may not exist any longer. This is one type of broken link.

In fact, a site you linked to a year ago may no longer be valid.

You have to periodically check for broken links.

Blogger vs. WordPress

My two blogs are on Blogger. BIG MISTAKE.

As far as I can tell, Blogger doesn't offer any 'broken link' tools. So, I have to go through every single one of the 'around 1000' blog posts on my site, starting with the oldest.

Note: since I started this process, I deleted around 300 old posts that didn't offer any relevant information or weren't relevant to the site's brand.

It's REALLY time consuming.

I'm finding I have lots of broken links.

WordPress on the other hand has 'broken link' tools (plugins) that are very convenient.

I'm seriously thinking of starting fresh on one of my WordPress sites. Not sure yet what I'll do.

One major reason for thinking of changing is that although I'm checking each post now for 'bad' links, I'll need to do this periodically, as sites come and go. I really think I'm at a crossroad.

And, there's another SUPER-HUGE reason that has to do with Sharing capability. That'll be another post though.

P.S. There are three types of website links: internal (deep linking), external (linking out to other sites), and inbound (links coming in from other sites). You really don't have control over who links to you, so I didn't include it in this post.


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Karen Cioffi, Freelance Writer
For Individuals (Academic Papers, Essays, Editing, and More)

The Article Writing Doctor
Your Content Marketing Prescription
(For Small and Home Businesses)

karencioffi [at] ymail [dot] com

I'm an affiliate for some of the products I recommend. I only tell you about products I've checked out.


Send me an email with your question and I'll do my best to give you an answer.

Karen Cioffi-Ventrice, P.O. Box 672, No. Bellmore, New York 11710, United States
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