Subject: Would you be willing to be a sponsor?

Dear Friend,

Good afternoon!

As you may have heard, Onpoint Real Estate has teamed up with the Innovations College at Seattle Central Community College. I am leading a Real Estate workshop on Saturday April 25th. One underlying goal of the workshop is inform people about real estate who don't have a lot of exposure to the field, particularly low-income, communities of color.

I have had several low-income young adults reach out to me who are interested in enrolling in the class but the $55 enrollment fee is a barrier. I was hoping to find a few people who would be willing to sponsor a low-income participant or two to take the workshop.

Would you be interested in being a sponsor for a small contribution of $55? I will publicly thank all the sponsors in my next newsletter. Please let me know by Friday April 24th if you are interested. This workshop is open to the public.

You can find more info about the workshop on our facebook invite as well: Real Estate 360: Beyond the Basics 

Please feel free to copy and share the link or pass along this email.

Thank you in advance for your consideration!

