Subject: What Do I Use To Make Money From Racing? (find out inside)

Good Morning Friend

I wouldn't normally email out on a random weekday about today's blog post but there are a couple of items in there you may wish to browse through. 

Firstly I have recorded a video of how I formulate some of the blog content, using Geegeez Gold. It is a bit lengthy but you can dip in and out and it has received a few positive comments already. 

Along with HorseRaceBase this piece of kit is essential to my punting and if you watch this video you will see why. Hopefully you get plenty from it - not least you get to put a face to the name if you don't know what I look like/sound like already! And I suppose you get to see how I think. 

Also in the post is part 1 of my 'June Trainers' post, looking at Paul Midgley. We followed him last year in June and made a tidy enough profit. I have improved this micro system some more this year. 

There are also a couple of tips in the 3.10 Bangor and a 20/1 poke in the last at Sandown. 

Happy Punting, 

p.s let me know what you think about the video in the comments, and if you want to see more stuff like that. 

p.p.s All my videos are published using YouTube, and you can find/watch many more over at my YouTube Channel if you so wish... All Here>>>

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