Subject: [Video] What is 'Hot Form'? An example + horses to follow

Hello Friend

Video: Hot Form & Horses To Follow 

The video below is from my weekly 'Tracker Tuesday' post from my members' club, albeit recorded knowing i'd be sharing it to non-members. In these weekly posts I try to focus on a few chase eye-catchers, including trying to find any 'hot form' races/horses that could be worth following. 

In the following video I focus on one recent handicap chase from Exeter that's working out well, discussing the importance of 'hot form' as well as a few horses to keep an eye on. 

If you like this sort of thing i'd suggest watching it with a note-pad and pausing every now and then to jot down x,y and z. There's a fair bit packed in I think, all with the aim of helping you and I to find more winners in the future. 

As always, any questions or polite criticism are welcome - just post away below the post in the comments. If any horses have entered your notebooks recently do tell us! Or indeed if there are other areas you would like me to record videos on....

Let's crack on... 

It's no RTVs 'Road To Cheltenham' but I hope you find it useful - the time will fly by!

Put the kettle on and... 

Hopefully you find it interesting/useful and that it may help your own punting, which is always the aim. 

All the best, 


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