Subject: [Free Post] Trainers to follow in May

Good Morning Friend

Trainers to follow this May?

As promised I've pulled together a post highlighting a few trainers to keep an eye on this month.

These 'monthly trainers' have done well over jumps since October, +53.57 points to Betfair Starting Price if backing them all 'systematically', +£133 or so to £2.50 win bets, which isn't to be sniffed at. It pays for my members subs anyway! :) They have only had one losing month, in Feb, and this is my first dip into the flat so fingers crossed it goes ok!

There are angles for Mark Johnston, Richard Fahey, Ralph Beckett, David O'Meara and Richard Hannon.

You can flick through this free post HERE >>>

There is one qualifier today, for all short enough...

1.30 Chest- Star Of Lady M - 5/4

There is one tomorrow also...

6.30 Chelm - Midheaven -


Chester ‘Chat’

I did have a look to see if I could find any ‘Chester Trainers’ for this week’s May Meeting, but no stats have jumped out at me, all rather small numbers. So there won’t be any ‘big meeting’ pointers this week.

It used to pay to follow Andrew Balding, and may well do so again this year, but the last three meetings have returned only 1/21, -15 SP, having pulled in plenty of profit in the years before that.

Aidan O’Brien often does well in the non-handicaps but the odds compilers rarely take a chance with his around here and plenty are put in at short prices and stay that way. But maybe he'll have the odd decent priced one go in.

The new 'Chester' dynamic of course is that Tom Dascombe has been replaced by Hugo Palmer at Michael Owen’s Manor House Stables operation. Many of their owners are from Cheshire/the north west, and Chester is their local track. It was no surprise that Dascombe used to target this meeting (on behalf of Owen mostly I suspect) but now he’s in Lambourn I’d be surprised if he does so again. But, we shall see. Of course you’d expect Hugo to now target this meeting on behalf of his new boss/their owners, so they could be worth keeping an eye on.


Don't forget to flick through my 'May Trainers' post HERE >>>

All the best,
