Subject: 🏇Free October Angles + Horses To Follow

Hello, Friend

It's that time of year in the jumps calendar when you can access various free reports that provide for interesting and, with any luck, profitable reading.

With that in mind I've got a freebie from my friends over at Cleeve Racing. Following that there's an update on my profitable 'monthly trainers'.

First up, Cleeve Racing's annual Jumps Ten to Follow is available now, and it's yours completely FREE!

You can grab your copy HERE>>>


October Trainers...

September saw me return to focussing on the jumps for my 'monthly trainers', which have turned a decent profit since this time last year, the only blip being August, but still +80 points or so to BFSP.

I had a look at jumps trainers who do well in Sept & Oct and so far so good. Septembers trainers, as posted in the Members' Club, are 6/20, 12p, +7 BFSP.

Solid if unspectacular, but I'd happily take that each month in truth.

My September/October angles were included in a magazine article I wrote for On Course Profits, but I'm sure they won't mind me now sharing it.

You can read these angles HERE >>>

There is one qualifier today...

2.50 Hunt – Moon King 


I am in the process of pulling together my offer for my Winter Season Ticket, which will include an early-bird discount for those of you who read my free emails, as well as a 30 day trial and a 30 day money-back guarantee (in effect a 60 day trial!)

More news on that in the next couple of weeks. I'm still finishing off a few research pieces/stats reports, to take us through the winter, in addition to the daily tipping efforts of course.

The jumpers could all do with plenty of rain however, there could be a few small fields before this month is out, unless a deluge is incoming. Or it will feel a bit more like 'Summer Jumping' for a few more weeks.


Thanks to those of you who snapped up the last remaining shares in Proud Mari & Kaleb, we sold 20% since Friday and we're always grateful for the support. We've a new recruit from Ireland who's settling in, with 60% already sold to existing members, but more news on him another day.

It's been a fun year since we launched the syndicate but things should really take off this jumps season. Do add those two to any trackers as they should be winning a few races between them and both have exciting futures.


I think that's all for today. I've got more freebies coming your way soon and various other bits and pieces.

In the meantime, don't forget to grab Cleeve Racing's 10 to Follow, HERE >>>


All the best,
