Subject: Flat Profiles: IMPORTANT PLEASE READ

Hello Friend

Firstly, there are no runners today, and as such no qualifiers. 

This marks the final day of this service. I will be in touch next with a review and some reflections moving forward. There have been some highs - mainly August - but a few too many disappointments. 

Anyway, I will reflect on this next week. I will be keeping this email list live so that in the future I can get in touch - mainly so that I can offer you some free stuff next year, that I would otherwise have charged for - as an acknowledgement that it could have been a better experience. Firstly this will include my Trainer Track Profiles report - which given the success of this seasons so far, I will reproduce next season - you have my word that I will send you that for free - obviously that is a few months away yet. 

So, look out for that email next week, and enjoy the rest of your weekend. 


p.s hopefully some of you may have been following the blog and made some profits. The Daily Members Reports are now on +27 or so since the start of October, and the micro angles are also doing well. Hopefully in the next few month that can make up for any disappointments you have had with Flat Profiles.  
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.