Subject: [Final Reminder] SP2A Trial Is Live (+bonus tips inside)

Hello Friend

If you have signed up to the SP2A trial already then you can ignore this email. This is the final ever email I will send to this 'waiting list' email list. (I'll delete it at some point over the next few days) 

Todays Tips

As a thanks for bothering to join this list and for considering the SP2A trial you can read today's SP2A email, including tips and logic, HERE>>> 

(obviously I'll have cursed them all now, but it's about the long term! And they did tip an 8/1 winner yesterday as well as highlight a decent tricast which landed)

That should give you snap shot into the quality/approach- it is more than just a list of horses to back and there is always something to think about, if you so wish. 

You can find out more about the trial and sign up HERE>>>

There is now a Paypal payment button at the top of the page to make signing up that bit easier, as well as the bank transfer option if you don't like Paypal. 

Around 20 of you from this waiting list have joined so there is still plenty of space on this trial. I will be emailing out to my general list in the next couple of hours, and the offer will come down next Tuesday. 

You will receive tips the following day after you sign up, every day before the 1st of June a sort of bonus, hopefully! :) 

If you missed yesterday's email, including what current members/past trialists think, you can read that HERE>>>

I won't be doing the hard sell. That would belittle the service in truth and I don't really like doing it. I'll just be blunt...

If you are interested in long term profits from following a tipping service, you should give them a go. It's that simple. 

In the 4 years since I started blogging/had an email list, I have only advised my readers to trial 6 'tipping' services, and SP2A is by far the best of those in my view, for numerous reasons. 

So, the choice is yours. This isn't about you necessarily wanting to join for the long term, but instead your chance to take an extended 3 month trial, with a money back guarantee, to see if you like their approach and whether it adds to your enjoyment of racing. This is unlike any other tipping service I have seen. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity, sign up HERE>>>

All the best, 

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