Subject: [Feature Post] The Little Black Book no.6 - a must read

Hello Friend

Firstly a belated Happy New Year to you all. With any luck it's a profitable one on the horses. 

I've just published the latest guest post from Adam Norman, which you can read HERE>>>

I've just learnt that Richard Hoiles is a regular reader of his musings, helping him keep up to date with what's going on in the North, and which horses to keep onside. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for us! 

You can read Adam's latest track-side 'horses to follow' HERE>>>

Old articles... I've also pulled together all six articles into one online PDF, including a list of all horses mentioned to date. 

You can flick through all those HERE>>>

With a handful of winners over the Festive period, it's an article worth reading, and those horses mentioned are worth tracking. 

All the best

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