Subject: FREE Trial…7 Days Free Access To My Members Club Inside

Hello Friend

Racing To Profit Members Club: 7 Day Free Trial

You will be relieved to hear that this will be the last week for a while that I will bang on about my Members Club.
But I thought I would email to tell you that I have now introduced a 7 day free trial option. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before really. Anyway…

What with jumps racing at the likes of Cheltenham, Aintree, Kelso, Wincanton, Ayr, Catterick, Chepstow and Bangor in the coming days, it could be a good time to dip your toe in, risk free…

So, what do you get in these 7 days? 

Full access to the Members Area + Members Only Posts(excluding the ‘exclusive downloads’ which you will get access to if you stay beyond the 7 days. This area includes your free copy of my Trainer Track Profiles: Jumps 2016/17 report worth £38) You get access to everything else including...

The ‘TTP Jumps Notes’: Daily post highlighting qualifiers from my Trainer Track Profiles Jumps 2016/17 stats pack, as well as my own ‘Notes’ on each runner (looking at other factors to help come to a punting decision) and ‘My View’ (where I primarily try and avoid possible losers) (example HERE>>>)

Results after Week Three: Qualifiers from the ‘General Race Type Stats’ (all hncps/hncp chases|hurdles/NHF races) + my unique ‘Micro Angles’ are showing profits of +37.65 points…or £376.50 to just £10 stakes. That’s if you just backed them all without looking at the horses/race. Together we have avoided plenty of losers so far to add to those profits. 

Access to exclusive ‘big meeting trainer notes’ starting with some positive pointers to this weekend’s showcase meeting from Cheltenham. These are in your Members Area already. 

(find out which big name trainer is 7/13, 8 places…+17 races over 16-21 furlongs at the last three meetings) 

Plus much more to come…

  • Monthly research articles, primarily focusing on trainer angles 
  • Exclusive discounts and free copies of future guides (inc Winter AW, Cheltenham Festival+ Aintree Grand National Meeting, worth at least £30) 
  • Other big race trends and stats

I am fairly confident that within the next 7 days you will know whether you want to stay or not. Many of you won’t but a few of you will like what I have to offer.

As always my aim is to provide you with access to quality information that helps add to your profits and enjoyment of this great sport. 

My Members Club always gives you something interesting to read day to day, providing you with a handy starting point for your days punting. 

Fingers crossed that in the next 7 days you can use your free Cheltenham Showcase meeting notes, + my Daily Jumps Notes, to win a few quid…

How Do You Get Your  Free Trial? 
Fill out all the relevant details. (very quick and easy)

No money will come out of your account for those first 7 days. If come day 8 you decide to stay, you will be charged at either £10 per month (cancel anytime) or £97 for one year’s access (depending on which option you chose)

Refunds… If you are anything like me with previous free trials I have signed up to you can forget to cancel before the first payment comes out- which is annoying if you don’t wish to join! Not to worry- just let me know that you didn’t intend paying and of course I will refund you. You have my word on that.

And, that’s it. 

This is your chance to get 7 days access to my Members Club, risk free.

You can dip in and out at your leisure, using the different Members Only content as you please. If come the end of the 7 days you stay for longer, then great. 

If not, no worries. You will have given it a go and will know for sure that it isn’t for you.
I think this package is great value for money and I wouldn’t want you to miss out. 

With any luck in the next 7 days I can add to your enjoyment and profits over the jumps. 
All the best,

p.s if you join now you will get access to today’s qualifiers/notes from Ludlow and Carlisle and my meeting notes for the Showcase meeting. Head HERE>>> to take your free trial now>>>

p.p.s IF, and it is an if, the qualifiers from my stats pack continue as they have been, we could be sitting on +326 points (+£3260) or so profit come the end of April, based on the first three weeks. I would take +100 points if I am being honest but you have to be ambitious…give my Members Club a go HERE>>>

p.p.p.s I hope some of you may have been following the September/October trainers. 6/1 + 25/1 winners yesterday and I think collectively they are over 70 points up. Not bad in just 7 weeks or so. Today's angles and a couple of chase tips are up in the usual place. Thanks for your time. 

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