Subject: 🏇Don't Miss Out - Closing Soon (+£200k Jackpot)

Hello, Friend,

I hope you're having a great week. Do stop by the blog later this evening, after 8pm, where Sam Derby's latest article will be up, this time looking at a Saturday handicap.

A couple of things for you today...

Matt's Geegeez Special Offer closes soon, with just a handful of spaces left at what are heavily discounted rates - and those prices will be locked in forever more.

I would urge you to dip your toe in and see if Matt's exceptional tools can transform your betting. For some of you it will be a game changer. There's loads of helpful videos and guides provided on how best to use Geegeez Gold also.

This offer will be taken down in the next day or two, so take action now, and sign up to this special offer HERE >>>


Over to The Scoop6 Squad...

"The Scoop6 Squad will be entering and we hope to have around £5,000 to stake, which will increase your chances of winning by OVER 2,500X compared to purchasing a standard ticket...

We were exceptionally close last Saturday with 5 / 6 winners, (including another NAP winner) and we're aiming for a perfect 6 / 6 this time to secure our 9TH JACKPOT WIN...

Join our exciting syndicate today, for a chance to win your share of £200K+ and to receive all our best Saturday selections for your personal betting..."

CLICK HERE To Join The Scoop6 Squad >>>

Don't forget, the cut-off for joining is 9PM TONIGHT.


All the best,
