Subject: Big race preview for THE big chase this Sunday, + 7/2 tip today

Hello Friend

I hope you've had a good week so far. A couple of things for you to flick through today...

1. I have had a good look at the 4.25 Warwick. You can read that full race preview, with tip, HERE>>> 

2. One of the most famous steeple chases in the world in run this Sunday, in the Czech Republic.. the Velka Pardubicka. It really is some spectacle and if you love jumps racing you'll do your best to try and watch it. 

I know nothing about the race, the runners or the riders. But I know a man who does. My good pal Martin Pennington has written a fantastic piece for you. 

It looks at the runners and riders, his verdict (inc 9/1 tip) and a look at the under-card. There is some betting advice and he has even thrown in some tourist information- if you are lucky enough to be visiting the track. I know at least one member who is. 

This really is a great read, so make a cup of tea, or pour a glass of wine (one at lunch is ok isn't it??) ,and get stuck in HERE>>> 


That's the lot for today, 
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