Subject: Betting Better: How to Analyse a Handicap Chase

Hello Friend


Below you can find my take on 'how to analyse a staying handicap chase'.

Of course there's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to approach this great game of ours but with any luck I say something useful or interesting. What follows are a few notes on the process I try to follow/the questions I asked, as I go through each horse in every race I look at. 

In the video I try to bring these to life with a few recent examples, a couple of winners and a couple I just missed out on. The first 25 minutes may well suffice, where I touch on one main example which probably highlights all of the below. But for those of you who're a glutton for punishment you can watch me flick through three further examples. 

With any luck my renewed focus on my 'specialist' area will help me add to the profit pile in the coming months. I've every confidence I will. And maybe the below will help you do the same also...

If you've any questions, thoughts, comments etc, do fire away in the comments on the blog or on Youtube. 

Or just watch the video on Youtube HERE>>>

(don't forget to use the 'playback' speed button to speed me up, if i'm talking too slowly :) ) 

All the best, 

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