Subject: 🏇BIG Jackpot Cheltenham Festival Scoop6...

Good Afternoon, Friend

I hope you're having a great weekend. Below there's news on how you can join in with the Scoop6 Squad for all four days of Cheltenham.

Before that - for those of you enjoy finding your own winners, don't forget you can sign up to the excellent Geegeez Gold with a '1 Week Pass'. (no recurring subscription) It's a great time to dip your toe in, especially if you get a buzz from 'puzzle solving' and enjoy cheering home your own picks.

Click Here to find out more >>>>


Great News...

The Tote have just announced they are running the Scoop6 on every day of Cheltenham Festival, this coming Tuesday to Friday...

The Scoop6 Squad will be entering each day, and there will be BIG Prizes up for grabs with a likely £150,000 in the pot by race start time on Tuesday...

And this could easily reach over £1/4 Million Pounds if there are rollovers during the festival...

They're going all-out with the aim of securing their 8th Jackpot Win during this years festival...

And here's how you can join...

You will pay one amount before the deadline at 9pm On Monday, for shares in each day's Scoop6 and we will divide the total amount collected as evenly as possible, over the four days of the festival...

Shares are for Tuesday to Friday, and next Saturday will be sold separately...

Join the Scoop6 Squad today to get 4 Excellent Chances of sharing our next Jackpot win, and to receive all their best Cheltenham selections for All 4 Days of the festival... (another winning Nap race yesterday)



That's all for today. I'll be in touch tomorrow with my own Festival offer, but until then, enjoy the rest of your weekend,

All the best,
