Subject: 12 Months Ago This Month, I...[Annual Review of Blog/ +100.75 points]

Hello Friend

It was nearly 12 months ago that I started to 'up my game' with the blog and tried to take a more professional approach to advising tips etc.

Fair to say it has been a bumpy ride, I have made plenty of mistakes and backed a few too many horses that have fallen out the back of the TV. 

However, the overall figures for advised bets - now +100.75 points - has been ok and I look forward to trying to better those figures in the next 12 months. 

I have taken a look back at the last year's results and also those from October. You can read all about these results HERE 

(this post also looks at the performance of the micro systems during October)

The start of October saw me 're-brand' the daily blog posts and change approach slightly to ensure my ramblings are more informative,enjoyable and profitable moving forward - that is the intention anyway. 

It was also the start of me recording the results more seriously. 

You can get a full break down of the blog's performance from the start of October to today in this PDF - HERE

The purpose of these posts/results is to be clear on past performance so that you can decide how/if you engage with the blog moving forward. There is nothing worse than following someone's 'tips' or advice etc during a losing run and having no confidence that things will turn around. Hopefully this helps. 

All the best, 

p.s remember the daily Members Reports (another +0.5 points profit today, now +21.75 points in last 4 days) come in two parts: System selections are usually posted the night before, with the main post always completed by 10am on the day.(11am weekend)

These posts can always be accessed from 

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