Subject: I am doing it again 😁 Sales funnels, Webinar platform etc. for almost nothing

Hey Friend

Remember that I send you a method where you could get Camtasia for only 20 bucks?
I got a lot of thank you's for that.

So I was thinking, what could I do you for you to beat that?

Well, I found the solution to that. 

This will drive you crazy :)

Many of us know the platform "Profit Canvas", it sells at a very high price.
It is an all in one platform, to create webinars, sales funnels, craft videos, add popups and much more.

See the sales page here:
Looks cool right, maybe you want to buy that, but 


So I was talking with the product creator and had something like,

OK, can't you do something for my subscribers????
And he did.......

 So I talked to him and the result was the following

Take a look at THIS:

Yes, blink your eyes again. You have seen that right.
Exactly the same software, but the price is less than 10 %!!!.

But I didn't stop there. I wanted to do more...

So this is for you, and you ONLY...

I bought a bunch of licenses, so I could do my own launch with this.
And here is the thing.

You can buy this as an affiliate, and get 60% of that discounted price.

And I allow you, as my subscriber to promote this,


to do a self-buy.

This means you get this platform for almost close to nothing.
Make 1 sale, and you have it for NADA, and even make some bucks.

So how I can get this for zilch ?????

1. Go here:
2. Reply to this message
3. Claim your link and put ACTION TAKER in the box.
4. Promote the heck out of your link
5. Do your self-buy.

And watch the sales come in.

Why am I doing this?

Well, I know from a fact that many of you are struggling to get approved by JVZoo vendors,
So I want to give you a head start.
You need to prove yourself as an affiliate and I want to give you that chance.

Take action NOW

But please be aware, the moment the licenses are at 0, everything is gone, so DO NOT DELAY.

If you are too late, I can't help you anymore. 
I cannot buy any more licenses, so this is a time-limited offer ONLY

To Your Success,

Joe Wehrens.