Subject: I got banned from PayPal, protect yourself !

Hey Friend

Last December I got a notice from Paypal saying: You cannot use PayPal anymore.
Well, that was a rude awakening. I had something like, yeah right. So I logged into my account, and it was true.
Thinking, this must be a misunderstanding, I send them an email because I was not doing anything weird,
so I was thinking, ah, some minor issue. I am a normal marketer, not doing any weird stuff.
I got no response.
So I gave them a call about what is going on, and a guy told me:
Sorry, your account has been permanently closed, and we do not need to tell you why. Have a nice day.

Have a nice day???? My whole business was around PayPal.

Still believing I could solve this, I sent them email after email.
Their only response was, sorry this permanent, we will freeze your balance for 180 days. Have a nice day.

W*F !!
I made a post on my Facebook wall about this, and soon I was invited to a FB group of other victims.

Owh my god!!! A LOT of fellow entrepreneurs are in there. Even big names in the industry.
So I read a lot of posts on how this could happen, the one more unrealistic than the other in my eyes.

Short thing short. It seems that if you are doing a launch or promotion, you have to tell them upfront.
Also, provide them documents quickly if they ask, use your real name, address etc. etc.
be VERY VERY careful with your account, and do not put everything in one basket.
Something like this can ruin you overnight if you do that.
So have multiple systems in place.

For instance, I really like stripe.

So is there life after PayPal?

Sure there is, after the shock, I had something, OK, this is a normal business obstacle every entrepreneur faces.
I can not promote any product on JVZoo anymore. yes, I can do a launch, because you can build in stripe, but that is just from the vendor site.
Warrior plus? Hmm, they have some workaround, but it ain't pretty.

So doing some research I cane around Clickbank.

Yes, the ancient ClickBank. And I found out that it is still alive and kicking.
So I saw my friend John Thornhill already move over there, others followed.

And the cool thing is, no need for a long application to get approved, but you will be allowed to promote any stuff.
No PayPal needed, they will pay you straight into your bank account if you want.

But which offer to pick?

Well, I wrote a whole blog article about that. You can read it here
I think it will be very valuable for you.

To your success, and don't let PayPal take your account!

Joe Wehrens.