Subject: Mark your calendar!

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September 5th - 7th, 2016
Dear Friend,

Join your fellow high skilled immigrants from across the country in making your voice heard where it really matters -- in the halls of Congress.

Immigration Voice is hosting a three (3) day advocacy event which kicks off with Monday (September 5th) devoted to sharing important background information on the current political environment and mandatory training on how best to be effective in presenting our case in Congressional meetings scheduled for Tuesday (September 6th) and Wednesday (September 7th). This is a unique opportunity and experience to participate in the democratic process.

Unless there is a change to the deeply flawed immigration system, we all know that the size of the backlog is so large that most of the applicants in green card backlog will die in these backlogs. That is why, we ask you to stand-up and join us in Washington D.C.

To learn more about the background and overall strategy, please listen to the recording of our call from July.

We hope to see you join us in the fight to fix the system.

IV Core Team

PS: Last day to register is Sunday August 21, 2016. Encourage your friends to participate in this event.
Immigration Voice, 1177 BRANHAM LN #321, SAN JOSE, CA 95118, United States
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