Subject: ✍️Reflection: Growth begins with acceptance

Hello and Happy Sunday Friend!!

Fall is just around the corner and I hope you are able to gleam every bit of sunshine of the last of summer. Where has the time gone?

Everything grows... too quickly I think.

My nieces and nephews are growing up way too quickly and every time I look in the mirror I see more gray hairs and wrinkles.

Time does NOT stand still for anyone or anything.

That's why I am always engaged in learning and growing; I want to know that my journey here has taught me well and I have grown.

Today's reflection titled "Growth begins with Acceptance" helps you see that going with the flow of life allows us to grows and expand much quicker; resisting life, change, experiences and challenges keeps us stuck and unable to move forward.

Go HERE to read it.

I hope you will find it an inspirational read.  

And if you are finding my writing helpful, please let me know. Sometimes it's hard being on this side of the laptop typing away wondering if my information is creating the desired results. It would be nice to hear it does. 

Something for you to Reflect on today 🙏🏼

I am sending you much love and wishing you a day of perfect acceptance Friend 👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻. Ciao!

P.S. Life can be hard, or it can be magical. 
Sometimes it's not easy to accept what is and what is not, yet acceptance is the greatest skill to develop that creates so much inner growth.

I'd LOVE to teach you how to develop it and create more ease and growth in your life - 

Unless, of course, your life is everything you want it to be, in which case, kudos to you, dear friend!! 💝

Our communications channels are filled with nothing but bad news, depressing statistics. People need encouragement and uplifting message more than ever. Will you help me spread the word by sharing my communications with others? I've added a link to the bottom of my inspiration messages so others can get their own - all you have to do is share the Inspiration you love with them. Thank you for sharing the love 💞
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