Subject: ✍️Inspiration: I focus only on what I can control

Hi dear Friend! 

How are you holding up in these crazy times?

We are being bombarded with so much information and changes to our lives that it can rattle the strongest of us. I get it if you're feeling the affects of it because most of us are. That's why I wrote this special inspiration for you today - because I know that WHAT you focus on will determine how you think, how you feel and how you behave.

I want to encourage you to focus only on what you CAN control because there is still much that truly is in your control. Even in the midst of this chaos, confusion and fear, you can regain control of your life by what you focus on

Today's Reflection will direct you to the things you really DO have control over and to let go of the rest. 

Click HERE  for today's Reflection Sunday reflection titled I Focus Only on What I CAN Control. I think you will feel a little more in control after reading this.

Read this and really let this information sink in. See how much you are still very much in control of and what you can do to stay in a positive state.  

I hope you take something new away from today's message.💖

And, I wanted to do something a little EXTRA for you to let you know I understand how things can be tough right and that I'm here for you.

I'm doing an in-prompt ZOOM meeting this afternoon to discuss what I share in today's Inspiration and to go a little deeper. I want to create a safe place where you can come in community and feel you are not alone. Below are the details - all you have to do is click on the zoom meeting id below and hop on at 3:00 PM CST. You don't have to talk if you don't want to  - just being there should lift your spirits.

Topic: How to stay in control during challenging time
Time: Mar 22, 2020 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 515 818 531

You should hop on from your computer as technology is being overly stressed right now and you may not be able to join via your phone. I hope to see you there  😊

To your feeling in control Friend!

Transformational Coach
InVision Coaching by Elena Zanfei

Live your BEST life possible!!!

P.S. 💌 Friend, I wanted to do something special for you because I know right now people are feeling disconnected and scared. I want you to know I understand and I am here for you.
Hop on the  Zoom call this afternoon, Sunday, at 3:00 PM central. Just being with other like minded people will help boost your spirits and know you are not alone. Come hang out with us for 30 minutes or so Friend! 💖

Elena is a Transformational Mindset Coach for driven professional/entrepreneurial women who, in spite of their success and qualifications, still feel insecure at times.

Elena uses her extensive 35-year training in human potential and personal development, along with her own triumph over personal tragedies, to teach what it takes to develop confidence with staying power. Her experiences, training and commitment have helped her become strong and resilient allowing her to help other women do the same.

When her clients discover themselves at a deeper level and implement new practices, it allows them to create massive success in their personal and professional lives by remaining in a state of self-empowerment.  They step into being AWESOME!

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