Subject: Boss Your Body - Inside Out Empowerment

Boss Your Body
Inside Out January News
Empowering you to turn your dreams inside OUT into Reality
Happy New Year to you! January passed by so quickly. I’m just having the opportunity to connect with you. The primary focus for my communications to you this year will target food and fitness. Last year I unexpectedly surpassed my goal to loose belly fat and to firm up my abs and this year I hope to inspire you to reach your health and fitness goals as well.

It takes having a made up mind and discipline to keep yourself on track to meet your goals. For those of you who have set or want to set Health & Fitness goals for the year, I challenge you to “be the Boss of your Body” this year.

Start the year like a Boss! The responsibility of a boss is to effectively manage, to lead, to inspire, and to motivate their direct reports and to align them with the company vision. Our bodies are incorporated with many members and it’s our responsibility to properly manage each part for optimum performance. Tell your body what you want it to do this year, then manage to see that it happens. Be your own boss. Be the Boss of your body!

Your vision for your health and fitness can become a reality, but it’s up to you to take action. However you envision your body to look can become a reality, make it one of your top priorities. Become the motivation behind your dreams and become the initiator of doing what it takes to make it happen. As a boss, you find effective ways to reach the goals that are set for the year.

One of the effective ways that my family and I use for personal inspiration to achieve our goals is to create a vision board that reflects our desires and key focus areas for the year. We don’t just use a simple poster board to create our visual inspiration because poster boards are too big and bulky. Instead, we use a
Portable Vision Board, called Tote-a-Vision.  A custom sized card stock is provided for you to create your vision board, along with the clear vinyl Tote-a-Vision sleeve to protect your vision board. The Tote-a-Vision makes it easy to display your vision board on a desk, table, wall, on the refrigerator or even to wrap it around a composition sized journal and carry with you as a constant reminder of your goals. The Tote-a-Vision is our Resource of the Month. See details below.

Each month this year I will share a yummy tummy slimming recipe on my blog. Go there now to see the January recipe. It’s a little fishy, but I think you will like it. My website is getting a facelift, so let me know if you find links that do not work properly

Eat a cup of Yogurt - A cup of yogurt encourages the growth of good bacteria in your gut, throwing out other bugs that can cause bloating

Resource of the Month
Tote-a-Vision - Portable Vision Board

Get Tote-a-Vision Mat or 2-in-1 with Journal at
Our 2018 Connection
Monthly Newsletters & Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Calls
2019 Quarterly Inside Out Empowerment Call Schedule:
1st Quarter - Thursday, March 21st - 9pm EST
2nd Quarter - Thursday, June 27th - 9pm EST
3rd Quarter - Thursday, September 26th - 9pm EST
4th Quarter - Thursday, December 19th - 9pm EST

Join the Live Calls on Broadcast Line - (478) 250-9799

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Inspired to Inspire You,

Rachel Moore