Subject: OUR NEW STORY by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme 2014-2020

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Newsletter by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme
18 May 2020
Issue 15
Webinars for beneficiaries of all approved projects
The Joint Technical Secretariat of the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme invites beneficiaries of all approved projects to register to the webinars on different project implementation issues. Those will be held in Lithuanian, Latvian and Russian languages starting from the 26th of May till the 18th of June, 2020. The first 3 webinars will focus on general project implementation issues, publicity, visibility and communication, budget and eligibility of costs.
The registration has already started!

Until the 21st of May, 2020 you can register to our first webinars dedicated to such project implementation issues as signing grant contracts, project management, amendments, reporting and project closure.

Click the buttons below to register.
Webinars in Lithuanian language
The online webinars will be held on the following dates:
Implementation issues ─ May 26
Publicity, visibility and communication ─ June 9
Budget and eligibility of costs ─ June 16

Webinars in Latvian language
The online webinars will be held on the following dates:
Implementation issues ─ May 27
Publicity, visibility and communication ─ June 10
Budget and eligibility of costs ─ June 17

Webinars in Russian language
The online webinars will be held on the following dates:
Implementation issues ─ May 28
Publicity, visibility and communication ─ June 11
Budget and eligibility of costs ─ June 18

This Newsletter was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the JTS and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
Sventaragio str. 2, LT-01510, Vilnius, Lithuania
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