Subject: OUR NEW STORY by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme 2014-2020

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Newsletter by the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme
9 November 2017
Issue 2
Decisions of the Joint Monitoring Committee
On the 30th-31st of October the Joint Monitoring Committee of the Programme 2014-2020 met in Mežotne Palace, Latvia. 30 projects were approved requesting the EU funding of approx. 20 MEUR as the result of the 1st Call for proposals.

The list of the approved projects is published on the Programme website.
Each Lead Beneficiary is informed about the decision individually.

Lead Beneficiaries of the approved projects shall be invited for the individual consultations at the JTS office in Vilnius soon.
Follow the information on
2nd Call for Proposals
The 2nd Call for proposals is approaching!
We are planning to announce it already this month with submission deadline in February 2018.
Follow the news on and on
Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte

2nd Call National Seminars
The Joint Technical Secretariat of the Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme is organising 3 National seminars for potential applicants in Vilnius, Minsk and Daugavpils. More information about each of the seminars and registration forms are available now

Partner Search facility
Your partnership proposal can appear on the Programme website! 
Please, fill in the partnership form and send it to
You can browse through partnership proposals by thematic objective, country and region of the Programme

New staff
Ilona Juchno has joined the JTS team as a new Financial Manager of the Programme. JTS staff contacts
Fun & Games
Send your answer to and win a Programme souvenir!
Which of 3 Programme countries has the longest word in their vocabulary?

a. Belarus   
b. Latvia      
c. Lithuania
The content of the Newsletter is the sole responsibility of the JTS and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Sventaragio str. 2, LT-01510, Vilnius, Lithuania
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