Subject: Hey Friend - new plextortion pedal, pics and soundclips

Hi Friend-
We are now releasing our newest distortion pedal, the "plextortion".
This pedal was designed to emulate a JCM800. For comparison, the
Plexidrive sounds like Bon-Scott era AC/DC, this pedal is more
Back in Black era AC/DC tones.

As a newsletter member you get have a chance to get the pedal
at a discount.

See the newest pics and hear all the soundclips here:

Also, let me know if you like the website better or not - I've been
doing some work on it this week. If you happen to design websites, get
ahold of me, I'm looking for someone to step it up a notch. I'd be willing
to pay (of course) or we can trade work for effects. :)

Thanks and have a great weekend,

PS - Don't wait if you are interested - this is a temporary offer
for newsletter members only!
