Subject: Your Indie Author News, February, 2021

Indie Author News


Hi Friend,

It's the ides of February, the day after Valentine's day, singles day, or Monday, depending on your preference. Today we have a spotlight on Yorkshire author Marla Skidmore, an updated office hours system, and our views on free speech. So, without further ado...

Spotlight on Marla Skidmore


North Yorkshire author Marla Skidmore is our featured independent author this month.

Marla writes historical fiction, short stories and poetry. Her award-winning debut novel Renaissance, about a recently fallen King Richard III has a 4.8-star rating on Amazon (with, currently, 52 reviewers).

His gaze sweeps over the bloody carnage surrounding him. A cry goes up: “We have found the king!” He sees Henry Tudor standing triumphant over a mauled and battered corpse and hears him whisper, “It is done. England is mine.”

How can this be, when he is not dead?

Marla is currently working on a sequel to Renaissance. The story of King Richard III seized Marla while in the middle of another novel and she feels unable to return to that project until her story of King Richard III is finished.

Learn more about Marla at Author Insights

If you feel that you, or someone you know, would make an excellent featured independent author, please send us their name, contact info, and why you think they should be featured.

Our Views on Free Speech

By now almost everyone is aware of the huge divide in the political system in the US that has reached a level previously hard to imagine. As a result of this, strong tribalism has developed in the perspectives of some, to the point where they appear willing to abandon fundamental freedoms of a democratic society just to punish political opponents.

Recently, a letter of intent was signed by over five hundred authors and members of the publishing community. The intent is to single out and punish members of a former political administration they do not like by collectively refusing them book deals.

At Utility Fog Press, our foundational belief is that everyone has the right to have their voice heard. This belief underlies why we exist and what we're trying to do for new and independent authors.

While this does not mean we believe all opinions are equal, it does mean we believe they all have a right to be debated in the marketplace of ideas, free of ad hominem attacks intended to harm the speaker's person or livelihood.

At Utility Fog Press, we believe there is no free speech without the freedom to offend. You have the right to say what you believe, and you have the responsibility to allow others that same right.

While we remain bound by laws that will restrict some of what we can publish, we give the benefit of the doubt to the author in all areas that don't violate the letter of those laws. And if those laws reach the point where we feel they are seriously aligned against personal freedom, we will challenge them.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.“ - attributed to Voltaire

Changes to Office Hours

If you're looking for answers to your questions about writing, publishing, or marketing your book, we have weekly office hours via Zoom.

Please be aware, we've modified our office hours system recently.

Recognizing that many people may not be comfortable with a 'drop-in' format, we've created a scheduling system. Office hours will still be via Zoom, however, they will be 1-on-1 and sign-up in advance is required. There are only two spots on each available day.

The booking calendar will be updated for the first of each month and has available dates and times for the entire month.

February Office Hours

A unique Zoom link will be created for each meeting and you will receive yours by e-mail after booking a spot (warning: we've found that gmail often doesn't work well for this system). If you don't receive the link in your e-mail, please contact us ( and we will send it to you.

The Office Hours alternate weekly between Fridays at 11 am and Wednesdays at 4 pm.

Thanks for reading.

Stay healthy, keep active, and Write On!

Edwin Rydberg

Utility Fog Press

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