Subject: We're Moving to Substack

Indie Author News

Hello authors and readers,

A quick note to let you know that the newsletter will be moving to Substack and managed by the parent imprint Utility Fog Press.

What doest this mean for you?

The main change you will notice is that the sender of the newsletter will be: (so make sure this address doesn't go to the spam box!)

Otherwise, Substack allows us to more easily reach more people. It will also allow you access to archives of past newsletters and blog posts. This will be especially useful in regards to the details around the upcoming crime fiction anthology we'll very soon be opening submissions for. It will also allow us to feature free short stories and other such content for subscribers. And, although there will be a paid option, if you'd like to support us, access will otherwise remain free.

You will, of course, be able to unsubscribe, if you find our content no longer to your liking. As we're in the process of migrating our e-mail lists, I would recommend you wait until the next e-mail to unsubscribe, if that is your wish.

Books and Beverages UK

For those in the Harrogate, UK area, the next Books and Beverages UK is on November 3, 1:30pm at the Harrogate Library and will feature crime author Angela Wren, who will discuss with Sue Williams her experiences with NaNoWriMo and writing a book in a month in a session titled: Can You Write a Novel in a Month?.

That's all for now. I'll talk to you again next time. Until then...

Stay healthy, keep active, and Write On!

Edwin Rydberg

Quantum Dot Press

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