Subject: Something to you from Utility Fog Press

Dear Friend,

As a thank you for being a subscriber to the Utility Fog Press Indie Author News, I wanted to send you a free Book Price Tag template. This is a Powerpoint (or Google Sheets) file with a template for creating price tags for use at real-life sales and promotional events. Each has an instruction page at the beginning to clarify how to personalise the price tags.

We've found these price tags to be very useful at our own (pre-CoViD) events. They're large enough to make each easy to keep track of while also being able to double as a book mark if that fits with your promotional strategy.

You can receive the files from the following links:

Powerpoint Price Tag file

Google Sheets Price Tag file

Once again, thank you for your support,

Edwin Rydberg

Utility Fog Press

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