Nine marketing trends to watch in 2019 - IM NewsWatch, December 26, 2018

December 26th, 2018 at 7:01 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

CMI shares seven lessons from Content Marketing World event

The Content Marketing Institute columnist Ann Gynn has shared seven lessons from the Content Marketing World event. In one of the lessons on using the right words in your content, Gynn says, “Writers and editors are most likely to appreciate the art of word selection – how a well-placed word can make all the difference in a sentence. But all... [Read more]

The role of marketing in startups and functional products [Podcast]

The Marketing Week team has published a podcast on ‘The role of marketing in startups and functional products’. This podcast shares information on how marketing can play a key role in building a brand from the outset. The MW team says, “In the latest Marketing Week podcast features editor Lucy Tesseras and reporter Ellen Hammett explore... [Read more]

Nine marketing trends to watch in 2019

We are on the edge of 2019 and its time to find out what could come next in the coming year. Marketing Week team has put together nine trends that could impact the marketers’ jobs in 2019. The MW team says, “Marketing Week predicts the key issues and challenges that will reshape marketers’ working world in the year ahead. Click on each... [Read more]

Adweek shares lessons for marketers from five brand fails

Adweek’s Katie Richards has shared some important lessons for the marketers from the five brand fails from 2018. Richards says, “While we’d rather not relive any of the events (this year felt like an eternity, huh?), let’s take a moment to examine a few of the biggest brand blunders of the year to figure out what went wrong—and what... [Read more]

‘Increase Marketing Transparency, Speed and Growth’ Webinar January 8

AdWeek is hosting a webinar on ‘Increase Marketing Transparency, Speed and Growth’ on Tuesday, January 8 at 1.00 pm EST. The AdWeek team says, “All the marketing data in the world isn’t useful if the people who need to use it can’t view, access, or make sense of it. That’s why quick and seamless data integration and visualization... [Read more]

Increase your sales with these sales motivation tactics

Strengthening the marketing efforts and increasing sales is the ultimate goal of any brand. Learning how other brands are getting it done can help you improve your performance. HubSpot columnist Jeff Hoffman has shared five creative sales motivation tactics to help you increase your sales. Hoffman says, “Here are five creative sales motivation... [Read more]

How to Be Really Good at Marketing in 2020 [Video Course]

HubSpot has made available a crash course on ‘How to Be Really Good at Marketing in 2020’. This 15-part video course teaches marketers to use bots, live chat and Facebook messenger for marketing. The course features the following videos: What is future of marketing? Why forms aren’t dead yet How to use live chat at different stages... [Read more]

HubSpot publishes social media content calendar template

HubSpot has published the social media content calendar template for marketers. The calendar can be helpful in planning and scheduling you content marketing process on the social media. With it you can plan content marketing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+. Talking about the template, Lindsay Kolowich says, “To... [Read more]

The emerging tech that promises to disrupt marketing [Podcast]

This podcast published by Marketing Week team aims at informing the marketers on how tech developments such as bitcoin, blockchain, virtual reality have impacted the marketing domain. The MW team says, “As a marketer it can sometimes be a challenge to identify which of the latest tech is going to make a real impact on your business. Is blockchain... [Read more]

How the industry is looking to get more diverse young people into marketing [Podcast]

The Marketing Week team has published a podcast on ‘How the industry is looking to get more diverse young people into marketing’. This podcast aims at informing brands on the value of having dynamic young people in the marketing teams. The MW team says, “In the latest episode of the Marketing Week Explores podcast we dig deeper into... [Read more]

Strengthen your 2019 content marketing with these checklists, tips, and templates

The Content Marketing Institute columnist Jodi Harris has shared some useful checklists, tips, and templates to help marketers improve their content marketing in 2019. Harris says, “Everything you do as a content marketer should flow from a deliberately constructed content marketing strategy. This includes determining how to model your content... [Read more]

Six-step guide to effective YouTube advertising

Advertising on YouTube is one of the best ways to reach out the video surfers. As video is one of the most effective marketing tools, most brands prefer to advertise over it. Marketing Land contributor Bruce Budkofsky has shared six steps to help marketers maximize their YouTube advertising. Budkofsky says, “Leading the pack when it comes to... [Read more]

Four ways to improve your marketing performance

Innovation is the key to achieving your marketing goals and improve sales. The new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) have made it possible to establish close connections with the customers and get more sales. ReadWrite contributor Brad Rencher has shared four tips to help brands improve their marketing and sales. On delivering a great... [Read more]

Recode reveals 2018’s tech trends and tribulations in charts

Recode contributor Rani Molla has published 14 charts featuring 2018’s tech trends and tribulations. Molla says, “There’s been a lot to keep track of this year. We’ve endured disasters both natural and man made, political polarization and the relentless encroachment of big technology companies. Some might say 2018 was even crazier than 2017.... [Read more]

How To Unlock Seamless Customer Experience [Podcast]

Reaching out the customers, understanding them and treating them in the right manner can help your brand move close to them and retain them for a longer period. Forrester has published a new podcast on ‘How To Unlock Seamless Customer Experience’ featuring Jennifer Wise, Principal Analyst. About the podcast In a seamless customer experience,... [Read more]

Should You Give Up On CX? A Look At Your Much-Worse Alternatives To CX Excellence [Podcast]

Delivering a greater customers experience (CX) has become an agenda for almost all the brands as it plays a key role in both generating more sales and customer retention. According to a Forrester prediction, in 2019 20% of brands will throw up their hands and stop trying to win at CX. Forrester has published a new podcast with the title ‘Should... [Read more]

Forbes’ four-step guide to create digital marketing plan

Forbes contributor Alex Oliveira has published a four-step guide to help brands create their digital marketing plan. The guide focuses on reviewing the current marketing strategy, creating a new plan, launching the campaigns and measuring the performance of the marketing campaign. Oliveira says, “As CEO of a digital marketing agency, I love watching... [Read more]

Three ways AI revolutionizes mobile advertising

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the mobile applications is going to be the biggest thing that will help brands promote themselves to a wide range of people. Today mobile advertising has came out as a separate segment that allows us to target particular groups of potential customers. Forbes contributor Andrew Arnold has highlighted... [Read more]

HubSpot’s guide to mobile form designs

Building a great user experience is the key to achieve your goals by satisfying your customers. Today mobile is everywhere and you cannot ignore the wave that is becoming a key driver in ecommersion conversions. When it comes to delivering an effective user experience, the design element comes first. To help marketers build a great design for their... [Read more]

Create strong influencer marketing campaigns with these case studies

Learning from what has done an extraordinary job is a way to achieve the success for sure. In marketing too we need to stay open to learn and apply. HubSpot contributor Carla Cook has shared 13 influencer marketing campaigns to help marketers create their own campaigns. Cook says, “To give you an idea of how brands — both big and small —... [Read more]

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