Merry Christmas from IM NewsWatch, December 25, 2018

December 25th, 2018 at 8:20 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Dear subscriber, 

The IM NewsWatch team wish you Merry Christmas. 

Six-step guide to effective YouTube advertising

Advertising on YouTube is one of the best ways to reach out the video surfers. As video is one of the most effective marketing tools, most brands prefer to advertise over it. Marketing Land contributor Bruce Budkofsky has shared six steps to help marketers maximize their YouTube advertising. Budkofsky says, “Leading the pack when it comes to... [Read more]

Four ways to improve your marketing performance

Innovation is the key to achieving your marketing goals and improve sales. The new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) have made it possible to establish close connections with the customers and get more sales. ReadWrite contributor Brad Rencher has shared four tips to help brands improve their marketing and sales. On delivering a great... [Read more]

Recode reveals 2018’s tech trends and tribulations in charts

Recode contributor Rani Molla has published 14 charts featuring 2018’s tech trends and tribulations. Molla says, “There’s been a lot to keep track of this year. We’ve endured disasters both natural and man made, political polarization and the relentless encroachment of big technology companies. Some might say 2018 was even crazier than 2017.... [Read more]

How To Unlock Seamless Customer Experience [Podcast]

Reaching out the customers, understanding them and treating them in the right manner can help your brand move close to them and retain them for a longer period. Forrester has published a new podcast on ‘How To Unlock Seamless Customer Experience’ featuring Jennifer Wise, Principal Analyst. About the podcast In a seamless customer experience,... [Read more]

Should You Give Up On CX? A Look At Your Much-Worse Alternatives To CX Excellence [Podcast]

Delivering a greater customers experience (CX) has become an agenda for almost all the brands as it plays a key role in both generating more sales and customer retention. According to a Forrester prediction, in 2019 20% of brands will throw up their hands and stop trying to win at CX. Forrester has published a new podcast with the title ‘Should... [Read more]

Forbes’ four-step guide to create digital marketing plan

Forbes contributor Alex Oliveira has published a four-step guide to help brands create their digital marketing plan. The guide focuses on reviewing the current marketing strategy, creating a new plan, launching the campaigns and measuring the performance of the marketing campaign. Oliveira says, “As CEO of a digital marketing agency, I love watching... [Read more]

Three ways AI revolutionizes mobile advertising

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the mobile applications is going to be the biggest thing that will help brands promote themselves to a wide range of people. Today mobile advertising has came out as a separate segment that allows us to target particular groups of potential customers. Forbes contributor Andrew Arnold has highlighted... [Read more]

HubSpot’s guide to mobile form designs

Building a great user experience is the key to achieve your goals by satisfying your customers. Today mobile is everywhere and you cannot ignore the wave that is becoming a key driver in ecommersion conversions. When it comes to delivering an effective user experience, the design element comes first. To help marketers build a great design for their... [Read more]

Create strong influencer marketing campaigns with these case studies

Learning from what has done an extraordinary job is a way to achieve the success for sure. In marketing too we need to stay open to learn and apply. HubSpot contributor Carla Cook has shared 13 influencer marketing campaigns to help marketers create their own campaigns. Cook says, “To give you an idea of how brands — both big and small —... [Read more]

Tips to convert more using your website

Your website plays an important role in getting more prospects and convert them into customers. A well-designed website that conveys the right message in an appropriate manner play a vital role in this process. Business 2 Community contributor Karen Repoli has shared nine fundamental elements that can help brands build high converting websites. Repoli... [Read more]

Best content marketing books from 2018

The Content Marketing Institute contributor Roger C. Parker has shared a list of best content marketing books published in 2018. Parker says, “Books published in 2018 tended to have better designed covers and short, punchy titles coupled with longer subtitles that described the benefits to readers. In addition, some acclaimed authors returned... [Read more]

Forbes shares 11 podcasts you should follow in 2019

Accessing different pieces of information and knowledge and utilizing it to achieve goals is something that can make a difference in the way we do business. Today the podcasts made available by various individuals and brands work as a wonderful source for marketers. Forbes contributor Krystle M. Davis has shared 11 podcasts that can help you perform... [Read more]

Keep you business growing in 2019 with these SEO trends

The new year is just a few days away and its high time we prepare to get more business in it through different channels. Search engines stand as one of the strongest sources to drive more sales so we need to keep in tune with them. The Forbes contributor John Hall has shared five SEO trends that can help the marketers to get more done in 2019. Talking... [Read more]

Get more referrals with these strategies

Generating more referrals is very much important for making more sales. With the help of social media and your web presence in the search engines you can generate referrals for your business. Entrepreneur contributor Sherrie Campbell has shared seven ways to help brands build more referrals. On using the word-to-mouth channel, Capmbell says, “Brands... [Read more]

Create better Google ads with these tips

Google has opened a greater gateway to the brands for reaching out a wider audience and get new customers. Apart from search, businesses have been reaping great results from the Google’s advertising platform. The Business 2 Community contributor Irina Weber has shared five ways to help marketers design high performing Google ads for their business. Weber... [Read more]

How to get more customers through LinkedIn?

Social networks are the strongest possible sources of getting more prospects apart from the search engines. With a wider following and connections on the networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and LinkedIn you can secure potential customers. Entrepreneur contributor Melanie Goodman has shared five strategies that can help you to turn your LinkedIn... [Read more]

Why Acting Positively Will Bring You More Business [Video]

Getting more business and enhancing sales in a continuous manner is a challenge almost every brand faces today. The best solution to get more customers is cultivating a proactive approach in communicating with the prospects and customers. Entrepreneur magazine team has shared a video on ‘Why Acting Positively Will Bring You More Business’... [Read more]

What’s Really Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals? [Video]

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video with a title ‘What’s Really Holding You Back From Achieving Your Goals?’. In the video Ben Angel shares some useful tips on goal achievement. Entrepreneur team says, “What’s really holding you back from achieving your goals? The answer will surprise you! Join bestselling... [Read more]

Create a strong online presence with these strategies

One thing that is must to grow your business is having it on the Internet. You need to inform and persuade people to buy your products for which a strong connectivity over different online platform is a must. Small Business Trends contributor Annie Pilon has shared ten tips to help businesses strengthen their online presence. On establishing yourself... [Read more]

Are you using these marketing channels optimally?

Mixed-model marketing is the solution to touch manifold prospects and turn them into customers. Depending upon your needs you might be using various channels and its time to see if you are leaving out any important channel. Small Business Trends team has shared six channels that you should be using to promote your business. The SBT team says, “The... [Read more]

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