LinkedIn Ads: A Complete Guide For Beginners - IM NewsWatch, February 14, 2023

February 14th, 2023 at 7:16 am EDT


IM NewsWatch


LinkedIn Ads: A Complete Guide For Beginners [Guide]

By advertising on LinkedIn, you can target over 850M active professionals. You can target your audience by job title, function, industry, and more. Search Engine Journal has published a new guide ‘LinkedIn Ads: A Complete Guide For Beginners’ to help you get started with LinkedIn advertising. Ashley Segura says, “LinkedIn used to be... [Read more]

Reminder- Maximize Your Content Marketing ROI, February 15 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Adweek webinar to be held on February 15, 2023. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Maximize Your Content Marketing ROI: Create a Flexible and Effective Production Plan’ on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 1.00 pm EST. The Adweek team says, “Hear from Erin Tye, director of insights and innovation at Nativo, to... [Read more]

Avoid This Email Marketing Strategy At All Costs [Video]

Neil Patel has published a new video ‘Avoid This Email Marketing Strategy At All Costs’ highlighting an email marketing strategy you should avoid. He says, “Look, I’ve been around the block a few times. I’ve been marketing for a while, and email campaigns have long been a helpful strategy for me. But this email strategy did NOT... [Read more]

60 Minute Reseller: build product from PLR, have it on market in < 1 hour #ada>

Reminder- ChatGPT vs. Content Marketing, February 15 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the CMI webinar to be held on February 15, 2023. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘ChatGPT vs. Content Marketing’ on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 2.00 pm PST. The CMI team says, “Join us for “ChatGPT vs. Content Marketing” as we square off for a battle royal between humans and robots.... [Read more]

Social Media Trends 2023 | TREND 4: Social commerce hits the trust gap [Video]

Hootsuite has published a video series ‘Social Media Trends 2023’ highlighting major social media trends for the year 2023. Here is the fourth video ‘Social commerce hits the trust gap’ in the series: Hootsuite  [Read more]

Reminder- How To Predict Your SEO Success: A 5-Step Formula To Help You Win, February 15 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Search Engine Journal webinar to be held on February 15, 2023. Search Engine Journal is hosting a webinar ‘How To Predict Your SEO Success: A 5-Step Formula To Help You Win’ on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, at 2.00 pm ET. The SEJ team says, “Join Sabrina Hipps, VP of Partner Development, and Jeremy Rivera,... [Read more]

VidzMock: World’s #1 Video and Video Mock-up Maker #ad

VidzMock is your all-in-one video creator and 3D video mock-p maker solution. [Read more]

Reminder- How TikTok is Reshaping E-commerce, February 15 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Adweek webinar to be held on February 15, 2023. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘How TikTok Is Reshaping E-commerce: The New Era of the Creator Economy’ on Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 1.00 pm EST. The Adweek team says, “Hear directly from TikTok and CreatorIQ about how brands can tap into creator-led marketing... [Read more]

Marketplace SEO: A Guide To Optimize Listings [Guide]

Marketplace SEO is an SEO form that involves optimizing product listings on e-commerce platforms. Search Engine Journal has published ‘Marketplace SEO: A Guide To Optimize Listings’ explaining Marketplace SEO. Alex Macura says, “There are a lot of overlaps when it comes to comparing marketplace SEO with “normal” SEO. For similarities,... [Read more]

Domain Authority is Dead: How Pillar-Based Marketing Makes Legacy SEO Metrics Irrelevant, February 16 [Webinar]

Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Domain Authority is Dead: How Pillar-Based Marketing Makes Legacy SEO Metrics Irrelevant’ on Thursday, February 16, 2023, at 1.00 pm EST. The CMI team says, “If you had undeniable evidence that Domain Authority is irrelevant when it comes to the rankability of your organic content,... [Read more]

Quarsi PLRHub: Ultimate Platform to Succeed With PLR #ad

Quarsi PLRHub is a PLR business-in-a-box solution that gives you a fresh approach to profit from PLR without needing to create any content. Here’s what you get with Quarsi PLRHub: ➤ 1,000 high-quality, high-converting PLRs ➤ Free sub-domain ➤ Free hosting ➤ 3 automated traffic apps (only for the first 150 fast action-takers) ➤ A unique,... [Read more]

Reminder- Make Your Brand Experiences Measurable and Memorable, February 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the Adweek webinar to be held on February 14, 2023. Adweek is hosting a webinar ‘Make Your Brand Experiences Measurable and Memorable: How Diageo Drives Loyalty and ROI’ on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, at 1.00 pm EST. The Adweek team says, “Learn how to create brand experiences that are measurable and memorable... [Read more]

Lessons Learned from SEO Tests that Didn’t “Win” [Video]

MOZ has published the latest episode of Whiteboard Friday Lessons Learned from SEO Tests that Didn’t “Win” featuring Will Critchlow. The MOZ team says, “We love to talk about winning SEO tests, like those wonderful instances where you run an A/B test and you see positive impact. In today’s episode, though, Will is going to... [Read more]

What Is a Content Calendar? [Explained]

A content calendar is a written schedule of when and where you plan to publish upcoming content. Copyblogger contributor Stefanie Flaxman has published an article explaining content calendar and how you can use it to improve publishing. She says, “There are a lot of high-tech tools available to plan and organize your content, but once again, you... [Read more]

Checklist Masterplan: simple checklists create your own ecosystem #ad

Ben Fletcher has just released (at 9:00 EST) his affiliate marketing training he calls Checklist Masterplan. It’s a very simple but extremely effective system to use simple checklists to create your own integrated system to create leads and sales. Fletcher has found affiliate success using tools like: ➤ Hard-to-resist lead magnets to build highly... [Read more]

Your Guide to Creating a WordPress E-commerce Website

Search Engine Journal has published a comprehensive guide on how to create a WordPress e-commerce website and establish your online sales presence. Roger Montti says, “An e-commerce platform is the content management system used to build and manage an online store. There are generally two kinds of e-commerce platforms: Proprietary SaaS (Software... [Read more]

Driving the Customer Experiences of the Future with Creative Content, February 22 [Webinar]

In today’s fast-paced marketing landscape, we often face the challenge of maintaining a consistent brand experience while managing content across multiple channels. Content Marketing Institute is hosting a webinar ‘Driving the Customer Experiences of the Future with Creative Content’ on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at 1.00 pm EST. The... [Read more]

Reminder- Kickstart Your First-Party Data Strategy, February 14 [Webinar]

This is a reminder for the MarTech webinar to be held on February 14, 2023. MarTech is hosting a webinar ‘Kickstart Your First-Party Data Strategy’ on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. The MarTech team says, “Join Salman Ladha, Senior Product Marketing Manager from Okta, as he shares techniques that marketing and digital teams can use... [Read more]

Marketers Traffic Hack: free traffic for the IM niche #ad

Marketers Traffic Hack is a guide to getting traffic to offers in the Internet Marketing niche. It takes advantage of features in the familiar affiliate platforms WarriorPlus and JVZoo.... [Read more]

Link & Blogging Strategies For 2023 [Podcast]

Search Engine Journal has published the latest episode of the Search Engine Show podcast ‘Link & Blogging Strategies For 2023’ featuring Ann Smarty. Loren Baker says, “SEO professionals looking for ways to gain a competitive edge in their link acquisition and blogging techniques can take heart — 2023 is bringing some exciting... [Read more]

What Is A Sitemap? Do I Need One? [Answered]

A sitemap is a file where you provide information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationships between them. Search Engine Journal contributor Tessa Nadik has published an article explaining sitemaps and when should you use them. She says, “If you are wondering if you need a sitemap, that depends! First, let’s... [Read more]

Scaling Your Facebook Ads: A Proven Strategy [Video]

Here is the latest episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast ‘Scaling Your Facebook Ads: A Proven Strategy’ featuring Charley Tichenor. The Social Media Examiner team says, “Want more customers from your Facebook campaigns? Looking for a model for scaling Facebook ads? Discover a three-step Facebook ads strategy to scale your business... [Read more]

Social Media Trends 2023 | TREND 3: Crack the cross-posting code [Video]

Hootsuite has published a video series ‘Social Media Trends 2023’ highlighting major social media trends for the year 2023.” Here is the third video in the series: Hootsuite  [Read more]

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