IM NewsWatch, September 14, 2015 - 'Asking, Not Telling: How to Use Questions to Drive Sales – HubSpot' and much more...

September 14th, 2015 at 9:17 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, September 14, 2015

‘5 ways to bring your email marketing strategy out of the Jurassic Period’ – ‘Mashable’

Karissa Bell says, “”That thing out there … that is no dinosaur,” exclaims Chris Pratt’s character, Owen, in the movieJurassic World. Can the same be said about your email marketing strategy? If your methods are outdated, you’re probably not seeing value from your email campaigns. A few quick fixes, however, can bring... [Read more]

‘Why You Need To Make Video Part Of Your Marketing Automation Strategy’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Michael Litt says, “I’m going to start off with a bold assumption: You’ve stood in front of another person and had a conversation at some point in your life, possibly even in the last few hours. When we talk to other people, we watch their body language — how they hold their arms, where their eyes focus, how they use their hands — to... [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Social Media Is Not Working for Your Business’ – ‘’ Blog

Megan Totka says, “Nearly every person and every business is on social media now. From a business standpoint, that is wonderful! How and where else could you reach nearly one-third of the earth’s population so personally, easily and at a good price? This is truly a marketer’s dream, and if you are marketing your business correctly, you can... [Read more]

New way to generate unique highly targeted video content #ad

In the last week we have had a focus on Periscope, Twitter’s new live streaming video service. If you haven’t read the introduction to Periscope we placed in the  [Read more]

‘3 Ways to Use Twitter Ads to Grow Your Business and Personal Brand’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Jonathan Long says, “When Twitter announced at the beginning of the month that its ad platform was now available in more than 200 countries and territories, it opened up endless possibilities for entrepreneurs to market their businesses as well as grow their personal brands. Through my online marketing and search-engine optimization consulting... [Read more]

‘A Beginner’s Guide to SSL: What It Is & Why It Makes Your Website More Secure’ – HubSpot

Jeffrey Vocell says, “Have you ever noticed that some URLs start with “http://” while others start with “https://”? Perhaps you noticed that extra “s” when you were browsing websites that require giving over sensitive information, like when you were paying bills online. But where’d that extra “s”... [Read more]

‘How an Australian retailer drives brand awareness and sales with social media’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Jeff Rajeck says, “When marketing almost any brand, it’s important to both build awareness and drive sales for the company. But with a retail brand, it is tempting to focus more on the sales than the brand and when the retailer sells commodity goods it’s easy to forget about branding altogether. In fact, many electronics stores have... [Read more]

Get offline clients who want a better website with Video Prospector Jack #ad

Jack Hopman, who has specialized in Offline Marketing for more than 6 years, and has, in recent months, been sharing his insights with other marketers, has just come out with another product...  [Read more]

‘Are Marketers Ready To Double Down And Truly Adapt To The Consumer Of Today? ‘ – Forrester

Erna Alfred Liousas says, “For two days this week, I enjoyed Hubspot’s Inbound 2015 conference. Hubspot is an inbound marketing platform targeting small to medium-size businesses and each year the company holds a conference bringing together thought-leaders, customers, and partners. This 3.5-day event has over 250 sessions spanning a myriad... [Read more]

‘How a Cloud-Based Video Creation Service Uses Testing to Better Understand What Customers Want’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “What assumptions do you make about your customers? How do you validate if those assumptions are true or, instead, actually damaging conversion? A/B testing can help you discover what really works with your customers. Animoto, a cloud-based video creation service, usually has at least one test running every week and runs... [Read more]

‘Dun & Bradstreet Overviews Three Approaches to Building an Omnichannel Marketing Strategy’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Andrea Johnson says, “How do you create marketing that engages every member of your audience in every marketing channel? During MarketingSherpa Email Summit 2015, Jeannine D’Allegro, Global Digital Senior Vice President of Marketing, and her colleague Jacquelyn Kearns, Senior Vice President, both of Dun & Bradstreet, gave Courtney Eckerle,... [Read more]

SVG Galaxy Whiteboard Graphic Bundle: quality+quantity=value #ad

Video creator, Vu Binh Minh, came to realize that his whiteboard videos needed two factors to actually convert well: 1. The art had to be attractive; 2. The way in which the on-screen drawing occurs has to look natural and easy to watch. The pen needs to move in a smooth, connected way...  [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help You Pinpoint and Thrive in Your Niche’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, ““Drive-thru bakery.” That is the ad copy on a billboard for McDonald’s on Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles. Did you know the fast-food chain also serves baked goods? Now you do. If you’re a busy Angeleno, why spend time parking and going in to a coffee shop to get a muffin or croissant when you can visit the convenient... [Read more]

‘The Impact of Queries, Long and Short Clicks, and Click Through Rate on Google’s Rankings’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “Through experimentation and analysis of patents that Google has submitted, we’ve come to know some interesting things about what the engine values. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Rand covers some of what Google likely learns from certain user behavior, specifically queries, CTR, and long vs. short clicks“. The... [Read more]

‘Report: Google & Twitter Are Working On Accelerated Mobile Pages For Publishers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Looks like Facebook’s “Instant Articles” and Apple’s News app will have some company. According to Recode, Google and Twitter are working together to give publishers a better way to display stories on mobile phones. The Recode story cited multiple sources who described a feature that would almost immediately show articles... [Read more]

Automated reputation management business set up for you #ad

Every business owner who knows the dangers of chatter on the Internet, knows that a reputation can be destroyed almost overnight by a dissatisfied customer...  [Read more]

‘5 Reasons Why Tech Is the Midas Touch of Content Marketing’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Kelsey Meyer says, “Just a few decades ago, businessmen would have balked at the idea of video chats or digital time management. But thanks to the rise of tech, it’s easy to instantly connect with a colleague in Europe or develop an app. Technology’s influence spans companies and industries — and it continues to change and revolutionize... [Read more]

‘Don’t Use a CRM? Here Are 4 Reasons Why It Might Be The Solution You Need’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “In the early days of starting a business, you’ll encounter a dizzying array of acronyms — ROI, ARPU, CAC, LTV, MoM, NPV, just to name a few. One acronym is particularly important: CRM. Simply put, CRM — or customer relationship management — refers to software that tracks interactions with prospects and customers. All... [Read more]

‘Five bad habits that digital marketers should avoid’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Lari Goldberg says, “Digital advertising remains very much a blend of art and science utilizing the flywheel effect of technology. Within the art comes a lot of human decision-making fueled by data, intuition, or speculation. Quality of data, degree of intuition and amount of speculation can determine a digital marketing campaign’s success. But... [Read more]

WP Plugin finds profitable niche Clickbank products to promote #ad

Clickbank is the largest seller of electronic informational products, products that can be downloaded, in most cases. It has thousands upon thousands of products, covering nearly any niche imaginable...  [Read more]

‘Unleash the Power of Frameworks, Methodologies, and Processes in Your Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Frameworks, methodologies, and processes are abstract constructs that leave a lot of confusion about their purposes, how they’re different, and where and when they are used. Despite sounding like “language lard,” understanding these three ideas can unleash the power in your business. When Technology Translated host... [Read more]

‘E-Commerce Conversion Rates Improve In Q2 After Several Declining Quarters’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Ginny Marvin says, “In a reversal of what was looking like a year-long trend, e-commerce conversion rates improved year-over-year in Q2, according to the quarterly report from Monetate. The gains were fairly modest, but notable after several quarters of declines among Monetate’s e-commerce customers. Conversion rates rose from 2.93 percent... [Read more]

‘3 Questions to Ask When Deciding Between Content Marketing and Native Advertising’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Lindsey Groepper says, “Magic vs. Bird. Brady vs. Manning. Coke vs. Pepsi. These battles are as divisive as they are decisive. Fans of each side are set with their arguments and ready to defend their positions, no matter how much opposition they take. A similar, impassioned fight is brewing in the world of marketing, as content marketing and native... [Read more]

‘Asking, Not Telling: How to Use Questions to Drive Sales’ – HubSpot

Dan MacAdam says, “Does this situation sound familiar? Your prospect seems like a perfect fit. You’ve run a thorough sales process. You even identified time-sensitive goals that your prospect confirmed your solution is vital to achieving. The decision maker has been involved the entire time and everything seems to be lining up. As you move... [Read more]

‘Social Media – Risk or Reward for Your Brand? September 22 Webcast’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Marketing Land team says, “Whether it’s an innocent but inappropriate posting by an intern, or a sophisticated hack into your passwords – all brands face some level of social media risk. What if you could dramatically decrease the risk to your accounts, so you can continue to reap the enormous economic benefits of investment in social media... [Read more]

A Marketer’s View of Twitter’s new Periscope service

What is Periscope? Periscope ( is Twitter’s new live-streaming video app that allows you to watch live video from all across the globe. Periscope also has a function even more important to marketers, the ability to create videos that vcan be seen around the world. The beauty of Periscope is that it saves the video streams... [Read more]

‘Five Simple Ways to Get Your First Account-Based Marketing Campaign Up and Running’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Sangram Vajre says, “Buyer behavior changes faster than most marketers are able to keep pace with. Modern B2B buyers want to be marketed to on their own terms, and they expect you to plan your campaigns accordingly. So how can you engage buyers wherever they are in the selling process and also reach all of the important decision-makers—without... [Read more]

‘The Data Digest: A New Retail Reality, Boxed Up’ – Forrester

Anjali Lai says, “They say that good things come in small packages – and it seems that those consumers who have signed up with the burgeoning wave of subscription services know this to be true. Today, whether you’re looking for fine wine or baby food, artistic inspiration or masculine essentials, you don’t have to leave your home to get... [Read more]

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