IM NewsWatch, October 8, 2015 - 'Seven Steps to Successful Marketing Technology Adoption – MarketingProfs' and much more...

October 8th, 2015 at 9:16 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, October 8, 2015

‘The LinkedIn Skim Guide: How to Research Any Buyer in 15 Minutes or Less’ – HubSpot

Leslie Ye says, “When you’re sourcing new prospects or receive an inbound lead, where’s the first place you look for more information on your buyer? Most likely, you go straight to LinkedIn. As well you should. But while a buyer’s LinkedIn profile provides a wealth of information, not all of it will be useful. And when you’re prospecting... [Read more]

‘The Types of Holiday Promotions Consumers Like Most’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Approximately one-third (38%) of holiday shoppers say they will not shop on an e-commerce site that doesn’t offer free shipping, according to a recent report from Bronto and Ipsos. Moreover, 84% of holiday shoppers say free shipping influences their online holiday purchase decisions to some degree. The report was based... [Read more]

‘In a Content Marketing Rut? Tailor Your Content to Your Customers’ Interests’ – ‘’ Blog

Dan Stenier says, “Content marketing remains a popular way to connect with customers and establish your position as a thought leader in your industry. But at times, it can feel as though your content may as well be invisible. Even if analytics reveal that your posts are being read, you may wonder if the content is leading to actual sales. Over... [Read more]

Super Affiliate Ninja Secrets: Your affiliate marketing Blueprint #ad

Jason Mangrum has been marketing online for about 10 years. He has been on the team with well-known big-ticket marketers, such as Mike Filsaime. Through the years, he has honed his marketing skills in many a marketing campaign. He has been instrumental in selling products worth millions of dollars Now, he is sharing some of what he has learned in one... [Read more]

‘3 Inexpensive or Even Free Ways to Forge Your Business Web Presence’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Derek Newton says, “An expert in the field of creating “virtual storefronts” estimates that as many as half of all businesses that have been around for more than 15 years are invisible online. For years, places such as local pizza parlors, auto repair shops and plumbers have survived without Internet identities. “There’s no hard... [Read more]

‘3 Autoresponder Ideas From Real Businesses’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you had a small army of clones to help with the day-to-day tasks of running your business? Ok, maybe that’s a little weird. But who would argue with the extra help? Autoresponder emails won’t sign off on invoices for you, but they can help build connections with your followers. Get 100% Higher... [Read more]

‘Facebook Simplifies Mobile Lead Collection, Rolls Out Lead Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “No one likes filling out forms on mobile devices. But Facebook is aiming to make that clunky process easier — and more likely to help businesses pull in the customer information they crave — with a new ad product that automatically fills out forms based on Facebook user data. Called “lead ads” and in testing since June,... [Read more]

Peter Garety's P1 Targeting App; Enterprise version wins #ad

As we reported yesterday, Peter Garety released his new keyword research tool, his 'P1 Targeting App'. He made 3 licenses available: 1. The Get it Started license, which lets you do 5 searches per day with results capped at 3000 keywords... [Read more]

‘The Voice Of The Customer: Are You Listening?’ – ‘ReadWrite’

John Van Akkeren says, “The journey from product idea to commercialization is full of opportunities, challenges, risks and rewards. The best road to a successful, end-to-end product introduction is paved with constant customer touchpoints and a deep empathy for their wants and needs. Sounds basic, but in reality, staying in lockstep with customers... [Read more]

‘3 Things Your Audience Wants You to Know about Useful Content’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Publishing useful content is the backbone of any content marketing strategy. But what does it mean to be useful? Useful content boils down to three things: education, entertainment, and inspiration. And if you can combine all three … you have a winner. Sometimes, though, you don’t need to entertain. You just need to... [Read more]

‘Why I Stopped Selling SEO Services and You Should, Too’ – MOZ Blog

Ryan Stewart says, “In my 28 years on this planet, I’ve come to accept two things as fact: The sun rises every morning. Marketers screw everything up. Because of fact No. 2, I had to stop selling SEO. Why? Here’s an interaction I used to have five times a day. *Phone rings* Me: “This is Ryan Stewart with WEBRIS. How can I... [Read more]

Set & Forget WordPress theme builds profitable video sites in minutes #ad

If you are looking for an elegant theme for building video sites,  Yoedi Wahyudi has a new theme that can simplify your work and improve your monetization... [Read more]

‘B2B External Communications: How IBM conveys the value of complex products, spotlights innovative employees and entrusts employees with social media’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Jessica Lorenz says, “B2B companies often face a struggle with communications to the outside world. Regularly, products or technologies are shrouded in secrecy with an occasional blimp on social media. At &THEN 2015, Jon Iwata, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications, IBM, sat down with Daniel Burstein, Director of Editorial... [Read more]

‘How to Launch & Optimize a YouTube Video Advertising Campaign’ – HubSpot

Jami Oetting says, “You’ve spent months perfecting the script, storyboarding, finding the right talent, shooting, and editing. The end result? A blockbuster brand or product video for your client. With all that time invested, you can’t stop at just embedding the video on a homepage or sharing it on Facebook and hoping that someone... [Read more]

‘Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, Backed By Google, Promises Faster Pages’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Danny Sullivan says, “Wouldn’t you like to have stuff you read on mobile devices seem to load instantly? Facebook and Apple sure think so. Now so does Google. Today, Google, along with Twitter and several publishers, announced the Accelerated Mobile Page Project. That’s AMP, by the way, for short. AMP is a way that publishers can pull from... [Read more]

Two-Step Squeeze Pages inside WordPress; Video tells all #ad

If you are using an expensive service to collect leads, there's now an alternative that can match the performance of the expensive solutions without the high price tag... [Read more]

‘The Top 5 Reasons You Should Start an Ecommerce Business’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “Whether you’re a bootstrapper or an investor with a bit of extra money to start a new enterprise, ecommerce is a great field to get into, especially today. Even as a beginner in ecommerce, the tools and resources are all laid out for you. All you need is a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed. Here are five reasons... [Read more]

‘8 Steps to Getting $8,000 Out of Your Free Yelp Listing’ – ‘’ Blog

Brian Sutter says, “Every small business has heard of the power of Yelp. Love it or hate it, Yelp continues to be one of the major review sites where your customers are turning to share the good, bad and the ugly about their experiences at your business. While the reviews may seem daunting, using Yelp to your benefit is not only a possibility,... [Read more]

‘Seven Steps to Successful Marketing Technology Adoption’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Leigh Chesley says, “Today’s successful marketer must stay current on trends, organize digital assets, monitor online conversations, measure ROI, and much more. A well-stocked marketing toolkit is necessary to handle those tasks. And as revenue marketing and content marketing continue to converge, having the right tools and the right people... [Read more]

Azon Store Builder builds Amazon affiliate stores, push-button ease #ad

Sam Robinson and his partners have spent the last 9 months developing new software for  Amazon affiliates.  It's a WordPress plugin called 'Azon Store Builder', and it's the most advanced Amazon affiliate store builder software available... [Read more]

‘4 Easy Tips for Turning Your Sign Up Form Into a Subscriber Magnet’ – Aweber Blog

Kristen Dunleavy says, “Last week, we announced that Atom mobile app users can now customize their mobile sign up form with their logo, background color, text and more. The possibilities are nearly endless, and customizing your sign up form is just plain fun. But did you know that a great-looking sign up form can do big things for growing your... [Read more]

‘Google Introduces Accelerated Mobile Pages To Keep Content On The Web’ – ‘ReadWrite’

David Nield says, “Both Facebook and Apple believe they’ve built a better home for news content on mobile devices—self-contained apps where load times are fast and ads are discreet—but Google isn’t going to lie down without a fight. The result is the Accelerated Mobile Pages Project, a new open-source HTML standard available to all... [Read more]

‘How to Accidentally Start (then Scale) a Business’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Today’s guest on Hack the Entrepreneur is the President of the Statements Brand, which includes Statements the Salon, Statements the Academy, Statements Photography, and The Statements Project. She has been in the beauty industry 24 years and an “accidental” entrepreneur for 17 years after accidentally opening a salon... [Read more]

‘LinkedIn Is Making All LinkedIn Groups Private Starting Oct. 14’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Launched in 2004, LinkedIn Groups was among the first features of the career-focused social network, intended to create connections and discussion among professionals with common interests. Now, with a roster of more than two million Groups, the company has decided it’s time to revamp the experience. On Oct. 14, the company... [Read more]

‘How to Effectively Crowdsource Content From Your Entire Organization’ – HubSpot

Kelsey Meyer says, “You’ve just written your fifth blog article of the week, you have twenty-something slots to fill with engaging Twitter content, and you’re coming to the realization that those emails you’ve been putting off aren’t going to write themselves. The struggle is real. While my team and I have found that crowdsourcing... [Read more]

‘Microsoft shows off its new confidence with the Surface Book’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “In the 20 months since Satya Nadella took over Microsoft, we’ve seen the company go through a lot of changes. Microsoft has slumped over the last decade and its doing everything it can to make sure it doesn’t fall short over the next ten years. Part of ensuring a win moving forward is keeping the public interested... [Read more]

‘Can We Please Stop Using Branded Content?’ – Content Marketing Institute

Joe Pulizzi says, “I’m going to be honest with you. I loathe the term “branded content.” Branded content gives content marketing a bad name. It’s a word created by the world of paid media … by advertisers, agencies, and media planners. First off, let’s look at the Wikipedia definition: Branded content is a form of advertising medium... [Read more]

‘What Google Wants: Why You Have to Track Search Engine Optimization KPIs’ – ‘’ Blog

John Hingley – Dasheroo says, “Search engine optimization can be one of the most important KPIs at a company, especially when online traffic is the number one source of new customers. The more customers that naturally find you on search engines, specifically Google, the less you have to spend advertising to get them in your door. And advertising... [Read more]

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