IM NewsWatch, October 4, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘How a small e-commerce site attracted 293,000 Facebook fans – MarketingSherpa' and much more...

October 4th, 2013 at 3:50 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, October 4, 2013

‘One Simple CAN-SPAM Addition That Could Transform Your Email Marketing’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”One Simple CAN-SPAM Addition That Could Transform Your Email Marketing”. Ginny Soskey says, “Have you ever gotten an email from a company that surprised you? You see it hit your inbox, but you don’t recognize the sender. You decide to open it anyway — maybe you signed up to receive... [Read more]

‘5 Things We Didn’t Know About Twitter That It Just Revealed In Its IPO’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “5 Things We Didn’t Know About Twitter That It Just Revealed In Its IPO”. Selena Larson says, “Twitter’s initial public offering filing went public today, detailing its plans to raise $1 billion and trade its shares under the symble TWTR. But it also laid out a bunch of details... [Read more]

‘Why Twitter Isn’t Turning a Profit’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Why Twitter Isn’t Turning a Profit”. Chris Taylor says, “Perhaps the most surprising sentence in Twitter’s IPO documents Thursday — and the most troubling news for fans of the social media service — came on page 23 of its S-1 filing.”We have incurred significant operating... [Read more]

What is the Amazing Selling Machine? #ad

It’s, a selling machine like the world has never seen before. There are over 30,000 product categories and millions of products being sold on Amazon right now. In fact, Amazon did $61 Billion in revenue in 2012. But what most people don’t know is that 41% of Amazon’s revenue was driven by products that are sold by other people... [Read more]

‘The Modern Marketing Manifesto and the Festival of Marketing: why you should care’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “The Modern Marketing Manifesto and the Festival of Marketing: why you should care”. Ben Davis says, “Until recently, the development of marketing technologies has occurred at a high enough pace to preclude a new definition of marketing. But now, we feel the new discipline can... [Read more]

‘Has social media grown up?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Has social media grown up?”. Steve Richards says, “In the years since the emergence of social as a separate entity for marketing purposes (roughly from around the birth of Twitter in 2006) we’ve figured out a lot about what social is, how it works, and what it means for... [Read more]

‘Is Google Abusing Its Monopoly Power?’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Is Google Abusing Its Monopoly Power?”. Dan Lyons says, “As we reported last week, Google is going to start encrypting all search activity except for clicks on ads. This has huge (and very bad) implications for marketers, who will no longer get valuable keyword data from searches”. Is... [Read more]

Guest Post Supremacy: High PR Backlinks Within Minutes #ad

Radu Hahaianu, known on the Warrior Forum as Techbul, has found a way to boost your site’s search engine rankings. The key is who links to your site. Are the links from authoritative sites? That counts for a lot. Techbul wants to show you haw you can use guest posting on other blogs (that are chosen wisely) can build your own site’s ranking.... [Read more]

‘How Twitter’s Business Compares to Facebook’s’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “How Twitter’s Business Compares to Facebook’s”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Ever since Twitter revealed last month that it had filed confidential paperwork to go public, the company has been compared to what is arguably its biggest competitor, Facebook. However, the S-1 form that the company... [Read more]

‘Operation Clean Air: Clearing Up Misconceptions of Yelp’s Review Filter’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Operation Clean Air: Clearing Up Misconceptions of Yelp’s Review Filter”. David Mihm says, “Rumors and theories about Yelp’s review filter have led many people astray, thinking that filtered reviews are always fraudulent or otherwise useless. Moz’s director of local search strategy debunks... [Read more]

‘A Common Sense Guide to Getting Your Work Done’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “A Common Sense Guide to Getting Your Work Done”. Cori Padgett says, “I don’t know about you, but creating content is not always a piece of cake. (mmnn, cake …) See how easy it can be to get distracted? Writing requires the actual use of your brain, not just the low hum of “On”... [Read more]

Jeremy Shoemaker shares the success formula #ad

You probably have heard of the ShoeMoney blog. It’s Jeremy Shoemaker‘s most famous website, and it gets over 30,000 visitors daily. Shoemaker has become a media personality because of his successful books, websites and, face it, his personality. This was a turn-around in his life. He started from no money, no job, almost no education, and... [Read more]

‘Lead Generation: Capturing more leads with clear value prop communication’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

The latest ‘MarketingExperiments’ blog post is titled “Lead Generation: Capturing more leads with clear value prop communication”. Erin Hogg says, “According to the MarketingSherpa 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Report, 51% of marketers surveyed indicated the most effective platform for testing their value proposition was through email... [Read more]

‘Social Media Marketing: How a small e-commerce site attracted 293,000 Facebook fans’ – MarketingSherpa Case Study

MarketingSherpa has released a case study titled “Social Media Marketing: How a small e-commerce site attracted 293,000 Facebook fans”. Adam Sutton says, “A single picture can be worth a thousand words of copy. A customer can snap one and send it in seconds, giving you a testimonial, product review and free content that’s easy to... [Read more]

‘Cross-Channel Strategies for Understanding and Engaging Your Customer Across All Touchpoints‘ StrongView Webinar October 30

StrongView is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 30 at 2.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Cross-Channel Strategies for Understanding and Engaging Your Customer Across All Touchpoints”. The StrongView team says, “Are you marketing in the now? Sounds New Age, but it’s what consumers expect of the brands they love. Marketers... [Read more]

Engagematic: Keep your visitors on your site longer #ad

People who come to your site and immediately click away are bad for your sales. Obviously, they don’t buy anything, but it’s worse than that. When Google sees that quick departure, its algorithm downgrades your site, so you drift lower in the search results and as a result, get fewer clicks in the future. So, for multiple reasons, you want... [Read more]

‘Everyone Panic! Instagram Starts Rolling Out Ads’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “Everyone Panic! Instagram Starts Rolling Out Ads”. Selena Larson says, “Instagram, as it has long promised to do, will begin introducing advertisements into U.S. user feedsin the “next couple [of] months.” The company said it will roll out ads “for brands you don’t... [Read more]

‘Twitter Discloses Its I.P.O. Plans’ – The New York Times

Michael J. De La Merced and Vindu Goel have posted an article titled “Twitter Discloses Its I.P.O. Plans” in the Technology section of The New York Times. Michael and Vindu say, “Twitter has taken the cover off its initial public offering, making public its prospectus and setting the clock on one of the most anticipated stock sales... [Read more]

‘Leave My Inbox Alone! How to Drive Customers Away With Email Overload’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Leave My Inbox Alone! How to Drive Customers Away With Email Overload”. Ginny Soskey says, “I love shoes. Bright ones, dull ones, suede ones, leather ones, pointy-toe ones, rounded-toe ones. I love shoes so much that after purchasing three amazing pairs from this one store, I voluntarilysigned... [Read more]

Offer free services to local businesses, upsell them to major contract #ad

Jamie Garside and David Chamberlain have known the frustration of local business owners not seeing the value of online services and not being willing to invest. So they met this problem head-on. They set up a mobile splash page for the business at no charge. Sometimes, when the business owners saw the site, they realized how useful it could be to their... [Read more]

‘Twitter Files for $1 Billion IPO’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Twitter Files for $1 Billion IPO”. Seth Fiegerman says, “Twitter filed on Thursday to raise $1 billion in its public offering in the coming weeks and list under with ticker “TWTR.”The company filed an S-1 form with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which revealed that it... [Read more]

‘Great content marketing from five of Britain’s coolest brands’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Great content marketing from five of Britain’s coolest brands”. Juliet Stott says, “The CoolBrands Awards were announced this week and it’s no surprise to see American tech giant, Apple, in poll position as the ‘coolest of the cool’ brand. The annual... [Read more]

‘What I Learned from Scraping SEOmoz’s Active User Base’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “What I Learned from Scraping SEOmoz’s Active User Base”. The MOZ team says, “One day I decided to scrape all the publicly available profile data from SEOmoz’s active user base and provide a little bit of ultra transparency. Check out what I found!”. What I Learned from Scraping SEOmoz’s... [Read more]

SEO Zen Pro: Quickly build and rank a new website #ad

Alex Becker says he routinely ranks for keywords that get 5k, 10k, even 20k searches per month. Three principles direct his work to accomplish this: • Google favors sites structured in silos, especially sites with strong internal linking • Google give preference to relevant and unique content. They are trying to benefits their searchers,... [Read more]

‘Behavioral Economics in Marketing: 7 insights to lift results’ – MarketingSherpa Article

MarketingSherpa has published an article titled “Behavioral Economics in Marketing: 7 insights to lift results”. MarketingSherpa team says, ” Preview Email Summit 2014 keynote speaker Dan Ariely in this article from the MarketingSherpa archives. Both the article and his keynote focus on his insights as a Professor of Psychology and... [Read more]

‘Einstein Told Me the Secret to Effective Online Marketing’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

The latest article on ‘MarketingProfs’ is titled “Einstein Told Me the Secret to Effective Online Marketing”. Barry Feldman says, “I got to interview Albert Einstein. It was insane. Here’s how it all went down. First, let me tell you, as a blogger and podcaster I have a fairly high success rate for getting interviews with all kinds of... [Read more]

‘Conducting A Multi-Point Inspection On Your Email Program’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

The latest article on ’Marketing Land’ is titled “Conducting A Multi-Point Inspection On Your Email Program”. Clink Kaiser says, “I like lists. Okay, that’s not quite true. I LOVE lists. Growing up, one of my favorite book series was The Book of Lists. So it’s no surprise then that when it comes to email marketing,... [Read more]

‘People Are Sharing Almost As Much Content On Pinterest As They Do Via E-Mail’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”People Are Sharing Almost As Much Content On Pinterest As They Do Via E-Mail”. Aaron Taube says, “According to data from the social bookmarking and tracking firm ShareThis, Pinterest is close to overtaking e-mail as the third most popular sharing channel behind Facebook and Twitter. In... [Read more]

“Shoe In Money”, Jeremy Shoemaker’s guide to online profits #ad

You probably have heard of the ShoeMoney blog. It’s Jeremy Shoemaker‘s most famous website, and it gets over 30,000 visitors daily. Shoemaker has become a media personality because of his successful books, websites and, face it, his personality. This was a turn-around in his life. He started from no money, no job, almost no education, and... [Read more]

’5 Social Media Tips for the Holidays’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “5 Social Media Tips for the Holidays”. Chris Hoell says, “As we get ever closer to the holiday season, the time has come for e-commerce businesses to start launching their holiday marketing strategies. Granted it isn’t even October yet, but social media and the holidays... [Read more]

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