IM NewsWatch, October 1, 2015 - 'How Facebook’s New Buttons Could Affect Your Business –' and much more...

October 1st, 2015 at 9:08 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Thursday, October 1, 2015

‘Twitter Rolling Out Buy Now Buttons Widely With Shopify, Demandware & Bigcommerce Partnerships’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “It’s a buyer’s market for Twitter Buy Now buttons. Twitter announced a big rollout of its e-commerce effort today, partnering with Bigcommerce, Demandware and Shopify in integrations that will greatly increase the number of merchants who can sell directly within user timelines. Twitter has been testing its Buy button for... [Read more]

‘How Facebook’s New Buttons Could Affect Your Business’ – ‘’ Blog

Al Gomez says, “Earlier in September, Facebook founder and chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, announced that the social media giant is ready to try other buttons other than the popular thumbs up. It’s not yet clear what the new features would be or when it will roll out. However, this is huge news—not just for avid Facebook users, but also... [Read more]

‘5 Areas to Assess When Evaluating a Website for Sale’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Thomas Smale says, “Buying a website is a great way to get into the world of business — or to diversify your business endeavors — without having to spend months or even years of your time making a plan, choosing a niche and experimenting with different monetization models to figure out what works. However, it is still important... [Read more]

Azon Store Builder builds Amazon affiliate stores, push-button ease #ad

Sam Robinson and his partners have spent the last 9 months developing new software for Amazon affiliates. It’s a WordPress plugin called Azon Store Builder, and it’s the most advanced Amazon affiliate store builder software available. Azon Store Builder creates an attractive, and easy to use, Amazon store right on your site. This powerful... [Read more]

‘5 Tips for Creating Facebook App Ads That Drive Installs’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “Facebook users are spending 14 hours per month using its mobile app, so this is the place to turn to if you want to drive downloads, adoption, and awareness of your mobile app. In addition, Facebook touts one of the largest sets of data on people’s interests and hobbies, so it is especially useful for game developers and... [Read more]

‘4 Steps to Boost Your Social Media Engagement' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Simply too many brands use social media as a free advertising platform where they can sell, sell, sell. While the drive to push sales on whatever platform available is admirable, social media (as most of us have realized by now) plays bydifferent rules. It’s not like broadcast television, where you buy spots on primetime, talk about... [Read more]

‘Marketers: How Do You Use Word of Mouth?’ – Forrester

Nate Elliott says, “I’m really excited to be a keynoting the WOMMA Summit in Miami this November. It’s going to be a great event, including speakers from Comedy Central, Nissan, Twitter, Google and more — and I’m glad to be part of it. But to do a great keynote, I need to ask for your help: I’m working with WOMMA... [Read more]

How to build effective squeeze pages #ad

There's a feeling among many people that spending more gives you a better product. But that's not always true. The squeeze page (also called a lead page) is one thing that distinguishes a professional marketer from someone who just has something to sell... [Read more]

‘Google Customer Match shows supremacy of first-party data’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Patricio Robles says, “As rumored earlier this year, Google has announced Customer Match, a new ad targeting product that gives AdWords advertisers the ability to target their customers through Google Search, YouTube, and Gmail. Similar to Facebook Custom Audiences, Customer Match allows advertisers to upload a list of customer email addresses,... [Read more]

‘Why (and How) Selling Ourselves Makes a Difference, with Matthew Kimberley’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Speaker, coach, and author Matthew Kimberley of How to Get a Grip talks with Youpreneur.FM host Chris Ducker about selling, marketing, and the critical importance of speaking your audience’s language. Why do so many small business owners struggle with sales? Chris invited his good friend and fellow Brit Matthew Kimberley... [Read more]

‘Why Meaning Will Ultimately Determine Your Brand’s Content Marketing Success’ – MOZ Blog

Ronell Smith says, “In 2009 Fletcher Cleaves was a top high school football prospect ready for the next level, eager to do in college what he’d done in high school: rack up yards as a running back. But before Cleaves could realize his dream of playing at the next level, a texting, distracted driver plowed into the car he was driving, forever... [Read more]

Can 3000 online marketers be wrong about it? #ad

It's been a little over a month since Stephen Gilbert released 'Snap Affiliate Profits'. In these weeks over 3000 marketers have invested in this training... [Read more]

‘How Removing Old Website Content Can Improve Your Traffic’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

James Parsons says, “Ever think about Google Panda? It feels a little “old hat” to talk about it, since it’s now nearly five years old. But this service, which ruthlesssly searches the Internet for pages that don’t meet its quality standards — and penalizes sites with substandard content, is still worth addressing.... [Read more]

‘IAB To Help Publishers Fight Ad Blocking, Says It’s Still Considering Legal Action’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “The Interactive Advertising Bureau opened a new front in its battle against ad-blocking companies Tuesday, announcing the creation of a working group and an online hub to help publishers deal with software that strips advertising from their sites. “We don’t want to see highway robbery becoming the norm across the Web,”... [Read more]

‘How to Have an Ecommerce Store With Zero Inventory’ – HubSpot

Morgan Jacobson says, “Whether you want to start an ecommerce endeavor or just expand the products you offer, keeping up with inventory is a definite concern. Whether you need the space or the manpower to keep all your products within reach and accounted for at all times, the fact remains that this particular concern could shut you down before... [Read more]

Cross Sell Slider Pro: simple software to spice up sales #ad

There's a new tool that online marketers will find helpful.  It's a lot like the tool Amazon uses to suggest other products based on the product you are already looking at. Whenever a visitor comes to a page where you are advertising a product... [Read more]

‘Pinterest CEO: Our Ads Are More Effective’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Pinterest is different. Less a social network for people to share with friends, instead “Pinterest is about me, what I want to do. What I’m thinking about doing in the future,” co-founder and CEO Ben Silbermann said during an interview on stage at the IAB Mixx conference in New York this week. And that difference, Silbermann... [Read more]

‘3 Marketing Metrics for Savvy Content Marketers' by Jay Baer

Baer says, “Traffic is nice and all, but it’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to measuring your content marketing success. Metrics are what businesses and digital marketers around the world use to determine how effective their marketing strategy is. Breaking down that data and developing a better marketing strategy is one of the keys to... [Read more]

‘How to Make Your Website 50% Faster with a Content Delivery Network’ – ‘’ Blog

Brian Hughes says, “Are slow load times putting the brakes on your business’s website? Sure, no one has the time or patience to wait around all day for a slow site to load, but slow load speeds are more than just an inconvenience; they could be having a very real impact on your website’s bottom line. Load speed is a major contributing factor... [Read more]

Three free valuable WordPress plugins from Ken Reno #ad

Ken Reno has been working in the internet marketing training and tools arena for many years. He  is well-known for his Internet marketing products. Now, he is giving away three WordPress plugins that will make any WordPress site stronger... [Read more]

‘Revisiting Authenticity: What It Is, What It’s Not, and Why It Matters’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “Creating a remarkable experience for an audience starts with authenticity, which should never be confused with transparency. In this week’s episode of The Lede, Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth (Hey! They’re back together again!) tackle the topic of authenticity to give you a better understanding of how to create an... [Read more]

‘Good Social Media Boosts SEO Even Though Nobody Understands How’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Larry Alton says, “From the outside looking in, social media and SEO look like separate aspects of Internet marketing but there’s a very real connection. Identifying where one starts and the other stops is sometimes impossible. Social media’s relationship to SEO. When examining the relationship between social media and SEO, you’ll... [Read more]

‘The Science of Creating Highly Shareable Infographics’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Cool topic? Check. Compelling research? Check. Accurate data? Check, check. When you’re sitting down create an infographic, it’s never a good idea to just jump in, translate all that research into bite-sized pieces one after the other, and hope people like it. Infographics don’t just randomly become... [Read more]

‘How to ensure a pain-free sign-off process’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Ben Davis says, “There are many companies reluctant to let their marketing execs have free reign with their owned and earned media. This is understandable where reputations are easily won and lost. It doesn’t pay to give just anybody the keys to your website, email builder or social media channels and ask them to go at it. Social media faux... [Read more]

’17 of the Best WordPress Plugins for Marketers’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “40,296. That’s the number of plugins on WordPress. With so many available, it’s tough to figure out the best ones to use — especially when you’re strapped for time. Here’s the good news: We’ve done the work for you. Below you’ll find 17 fantastic plugins every marketer using WordPress... [Read more]

‘3-Step Action Plan With Worksheets for 2 Months of Blog Posts’ – Content Marketing Institute

Roger C. Parker says, “The series approach to blogging, as I described in How to Turn 1 Idea Into 2 Months of Content Marketing (and More),offers an easy approach to help you plan, create, and repurpose blog posts into future content. Among the benefits of a series approach: Immediate – It removes the guesswork of choosing what to write each... [Read more]

‘Nonprofit Testing: How one small change led to 190% increase in clickthrough’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Ken Bowen says, “As marketers, we all dream of expensive radical redesigns of our websites that check off every item on our wish lists. Over the years here at MarketingExperiments, though, we have routinely discovered that with a proper understanding of customers, the smallest changes can often yield the biggest results. A recent test from our... [Read more]


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