IM NewsWatch, November 9, 2015 - 'Why it’s time to leave old-school SEO behind – Econsultancy' and much more...

November 9th, 2015 at 9:11 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, November 9, 2015

’10 Small Business Secrets Including Retargeting and More’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

SBT Editor says, “Every business is different, and thus requires different tools and strategies to grow. So you need to find the best methods for your own business. For that reason, we’ve gathered a variety of different tips from around the small business community, from retargeting to growing your email list. Find the ones that are right for... [Read more]

‘Do Millennials Pay for News Content?’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Ayaz Nanji says, “Some 53% of US Millennials report having regularly consumed paid news content—in print, digital, or combined formats—in the past year, according to a recent report from The Media Insight Project. Moreover, 40% of Millennials say they have paid for news products or services out of their own pocket in the past year. Millennials... [Read more]

‘Modern Marketing Essentials Guide: Content Marketing’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Digital Marketing Depot team says, “Content marketing is driving the way marketing organizations are engaging their audiences. But in our consumer-empowered world, it’s become more difficult for marketers to cut through clutter and a lot more challenging to garner loyalty with their audiences. That’s why smart content delivered in context... [Read more]

WAFERLY WP Theme Creates Professional Websites in minutes #ad

Fachrul Stream is the creator of several award-winning WordPress products, has just announced his new Waferly WordPress Theme. If you need a fresh, professional theme consider what this offers: • Fast loading for visitor satisfaction • 100% Mobile Responsive for phones and tablets • SEO Optimized for better rankings • Copy &... [Read more]

‘Why it’s time to leave old-school SEO behind’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Lori Goldberg says, “The term SEO, which was allegedly first used in 1997, has long been used to describe a webmaster’s ability to edit a website’s design and code to favorably influence its rank on search engines. SEO strategies have included back-linking, title tags, page architecture, site maps and introduced us to a style of writing... [Read more]

‘3 Resources to Help You Write Thought-Provoking Content that Gets People Talking’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Stefanie Flaxman says, “While we want people to view, talk about, and share our content, we’re often afraid of negative reactions. We might even refrain from publishing our writing because we fear that our projects will look “stupid,” despite our thoughtful efforts and hard work. The day you overcome the fear of looking “stupid,” you’ll... [Read more]

‘Recovering the Data Google Has Hidden Away’ – MOZ Blog

MOZ team says, “It’s no secret that Google keeps a lot of secrets. From keyword data to link data to traffic data (and surely more), there’s a lot that we could benefit from — if they’d only share it! Since that’s not likely to happen anytime soon, Rand takes us through various ways to access that all-important data... [Read more]

Warrior+Plus Ready Set Go: Get started selling IM products #ad

In the internet marketing training arena, the 'Warrior Forum' is a major source of information, some of it free and some for sale. People wanting to build an online business, including IM NewsWatch readers, often go there seeking training... [Read more]

‘Amazon cleans house ahead of the holidays’ – Internet Retailer

Allison Enright says, “Amazon discontinues AmazonLocal, refines its family leave policy and announces holiday plans. Inc. cleaned house during the past week, announcing plans to shut down several services and strengthening its employee policies. Amazon news for the week ended Nov. 2: Discontinued services: Amazon is shutting down... [Read more]

‘Seven Dramatic Ways E-Commerce Reviews Have Transformed Consumer Shopping Habits’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Stacy DeBroff says, “Each time consumers glance at an online review and then click the item in question into their shopping carts, we see the transformative powers of e-commerce reviews—namely, how first-person insights and recommendations dramatically influence purchasing decisions. At the same time, we also observe another lasting effect... [Read more]

‘Study: Retailers Are Ignoring More Than 80% Of Customers’ Social Media Requests’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin Beck says, “Ignoring your customers is a cardinal sin of business. Yet that’s exactly what a large majority of retailers are doing on social media, according to a new Sprout Social study. The stats from the Spout Social’s Q4 2015 Index are damning. Retailers failed to respond to more than 80 percent of consumer questions and requests... [Read more]

WAFERLY WP Theme Creates Professional Websites in minutes #ad

Fachrul Stream is the creator of several award-winning WordPress products, has just announced his new Waferly WordPress Theme. If you need a fresh, professional theme consider what this offers: • Fast loading for visitor satisfaction • 100% Mobile Responsive for phones and tablets • SEO Optimized for better rankings • Copy &... [Read more]

‘Cross-device tracking in the affiliate channel: Which method is best?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Helen Southgate says, “We are all surrounded by importance of mobile use in today’s industry, it gets rammed down our throat at every opportunity! Cross-device tracking is an important and crucial development to enable us to better understand customer behaviour. This is particularly true when looking to assign a sale correctly to an affiliate... [Read more]

‘How to Optimize the Conversion Funnel for Online Sales’ – ‘Small Business Trends’

Larry Alton says, “Any business transaction depends on influencing customer decisions — which actually requires moving them through what’s called the conversion funnel (also called the sales funnel). This is one of the central concepts at the heart of any effective marketing campaign. What Is the Conversion Funnel? Think of the funnel as... [Read more]

‘Building a Digital Community that Sticks Together’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

Rainmaker team says, “In the final part of The Mainframe’s membership series, hosts Tony Clark and Chris Garrett discuss how to keep your community welcoming, engaging, and a group that people actually want to be a part of. Listen in to get all the details. In this episode of The Mainframe: How to develop a feeling of inclusion and belonging... [Read more]

The most powerful toolkit for local marketing consultants ever #ad

What kind of services do you offer to local merchants to help them take advantage of online marketing? Whatever you offer, there's something in this new 'Marketing Consultant Business Kit'... [Read more]

‘Facebook Offers New Tools To Measure Foot Traffic, Dynamically Use Location In Ads’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Greg Sterling says, “Facebook is launching two related products for local businesses. One is a free analytics tool called “Local Insights” that shows small business owners foot traffic around their stores. The other is an update to Local Awareness Ads that enables businesses with at least five locations to dynamically make their Facebook... [Read more]

‘Four reasons to get your pricing strategy in order before Christmas’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Arie Shpanya says, “Retailers often go to great lengths to ensure the consumer’s path to purchase on their site is laid with gold bricks and pleasant surprises. Unfortunately, many allocate too many resources to the path and a meager amount to the destination. The destination, in this case, is the product search page, which contains relevant... [Read more]

‘Three Tips for Successful User-Generated Content Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog

Amish Tolia says, “Facebook warned brands late last year that beginning in January 2015 people would see fewer promotional page posts in their News Feed and that brands posting that type of content would see “a significant decrease in distribution.” Essentially, Facebook made it much more difficult for organic content from brand pages... [Read more]

How Much Cash Have You Been Leaving On The Table? #ad

Pinterest is offering marketers living in the USA a new marketing tool that has the potential to increase sales. It's called Promoted Pins. You have seen something similar on other social sites, and now Pinterest is getting in on this strategy as well.... [Read more]

‘The Top Social Media Tools for Working Smarter, Not Harder’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Cynthia Johnson says, “Many businesses are struggling with social media, because it takes up so much time. This is understandable considering that most businesses not only have their digital marketing to manage, but also have to keep up with all other aspects of their business. We need to stop wasting time on social media and use tools that can... [Read more]

‘4 Big Marketing Takeaways From Facebook’s Earnings Call’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article

Martin BEck says, “Facebook’s well-oiled social media machine continues to hum along, yesterday reporting another blockbuster quarter. The focus, naturally, was on how well Facebook is doing as a business, with its $4.5 billion in third quarter revenue, more than one billion daily users and eight billion daily video views attracting most of... [Read more]

‘Lead Nurturing: Content-focused strategy leads to 74% lift in leads for Precor’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Kyla Cobb says, “One of the most useful tools in the marketer’s workshop is content marketing. If utilized well, this strategy can turn even casual site visitors into potential prospects. However, how do you ensure that the right content makes its way in front of the right audience? That was one of the challenges Stephen Bruner, Marketing Manager,... [Read more]

Is your business evolving to meet the new business climate? #ad

Yanik Silver has kept a low profile for the last couple of years. Before that, he had created a number of training products for small business people. While he has been out of the public eye, he has focused his energy in building a mastermind group he calls The Maverick Network. He has also been honing his vision for how to change the way business is played... [Read more]

‘Deliverability impacts more than inability to communicate with subscribers’ – ‘Experian Marketing Forward’ Blog

Lauren McKinney says, “We recently completed our 2015 email data quality trends research with 200+ research participants who came from a variety of company sizes and industries. The research study to took a comprehensive look at what poor email deliverability costs an organization, the challenges associated with email collection and email database... [Read more]

‘Like a Boss: Stellar Marketing Advice from Top Business Writers’ – ‘’ Blog

Mike Hanski says, “Writing can bring a tidy profit, especially when a writer is a prosperous businessman who doesn’t mind sharing the experience with startup entrepreneurs and coaching them on a way to success. That’s what most of the well-known entrepreneurs do. Becoming business writers, they can kill two birds with one stone: build... [Read more]

‘The Anatomy of a Successful Marketing Campaign’ – HubSpot

Lindsay Kolowich says, “Have you ever seen a particularly genius marketing campaign and thought to yourself, “Wow, why didn’t I think of that?” When Oreo shipped that timely Super Bowl blackout tweet, you could practically hear the collective sigh of envious marketers everywhere. Other great marketing campaigns — like... [Read more]


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