IM NewsWatch, May 24, 2016 - ‘7 Keys to Creating a Successful WordPress Plugin – Copyblogger' and much more...

May 24th, 2016 at 9:18 pm EDT

IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

‘How to Really Optimize Your Social Media Ad Campaigns for Mobile Devices’ –

Ann Smarty says, “Early this year, mobile technology company Blackberry released a survey that claimed 26 percent of the entire world population was using mobile social media. To put that into perspective, there are currently 7.125 billion people on planet Earth as of a census done in 2013. Let’s round that down to an even seven billion.... [Read more]

‘5 Musts Before Launching Your Social Media Marketing Campaign’ – Entrepreneur

Jayson Demers says, “When you decide to pursue a social media campaign, it’s natural to get a bit excited. You’ve been thinking about the potential returns of social media marketing for a long time, and you want to start earning the rewards as soon as possible. For this reason, many new entrepreneurs and marketers jump in without thinking—and... [Read more]

‘The difference between marketing and advertising (and why it matters)’ – MarketingExperiments

Daniel Burstein says, “Marketing and advertising are distinct majors in college. Most agencies are advertising agencies, and most departments inside companies that promote the sale of product are marketing departments. Why the distinction? Are these two words synonyms, or is there a real difference? A high-level, ephemeral topic like this isn’t... [Read more]

RunClick Owners Upgrade: Important news for previous buyers #ad

If you invested in Walt Bayliss‘s RunClick software, you will want to be aware of this update he is making. RunClick turns Google Hangouts into webinars, with registration, reminders and other important tools for marketing webinars. This software makes professional webinars available to any marketer; no deep pockets are needed. The technique... [Read more]

‘5 common digital marketing mistakes (and how to fix them)’ Digital Marketing Depot Webinar, May 24

DMD team says, “Despite a wealth of experience, marketers still make many digital marketing and optimization mistakes. It could be that they’ve developed some bad habits over the years. Or maybe they came into digital marketing from another field and missed out on a few ground-floor basics. Attend this webcast to learn how to: – uncover... [Read more]

‘What marketers need to know about Google assistant and Google Home’ – Marketing Land

Joe Youngblood says, “What started with Siri in 2010 is quickly leading to an age where consumers engage with the internet using only their voices, in much the way Captain Picard engaged with the computer on the USS Enterprise. Google’s foray into voice search has been calculated and planned for years, according to Google CEO Sundar Pichai.... [Read more]

‘8 Tips for Mastering the Art of Email’ – HubSpot

David Freund says, “I absolutely despise email. Perhaps I’m being a bit dramatic here, but the truth is that for most of us, this obligatory form of communication is a necessary evil for survival in business. But there’s too much of it — more 205 billion (that’s with a capital B) emails are sent per day — and it’s... [Read more]

Azon Early Bird: Be the first to promote new products #ad

Here's a new strategy for Amazon affiliates. If you get an early warning about what is going to be a hot product on Amazon, you can be the first to advertise that product. And that should give you an advantage in the search engines and in sales... [Read more]

‘Highly targeted online ads don’t work: Stanford researchers’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “According to researchers at Stanford, highly targeted ads may not be all they’re cracked up to be. Based on a mathematical model they built based on game theory, the researchers instead suggest that advertisers “prefer to remain in a state of partial willful ignorance so as to preserve communication credibility.” Eilene... [Read more]

‘Google I/O Recap: Google Rises To The Virtual Agent Challenge’ – Forrester

Julie Ask says, “Google took a few big steps forward at Google I/O 2016 to fill in its portfolio to win, serve and retain customers in their mobile moments. Three new product announcements should propel Google forward. They include: 1. Google Home. Google Home looks like an incredibly promising (and necessary) entry into the home virtual assistant... [Read more]

‘7 Keys to Creating a Successful WordPress Plugin’ – Copyblogger

Sonia Simone says, “If you want to build a software business, there are a lot of advantages to the world of WordPress plugins. To begin with, you have a built-in audience of committed users. That audience is massive — around a quarter of the planet’s websites use WordPress. And that number is growing every day. But we all know that “Build... [Read more]

You need to back up your WordPress site now #ad

IM NewsWatch had server problems a couple of weeks ago. We were down for a week. It was a miserable 10 days. Why the long delay in getting it back running after the break-down? Well, we had out data backed up, but our software that runs the site had not been backed up and it it had to be re-built... [Read more]

‘Getting Local Store Locator SEO Right’ – MOZ

Miriam Ellis says, “Right now, a customer is trying to find your local business. How quickly are you delivering the NAP, directions and other details he needs, on the go? Volumes of excellent free advice have been written for small businesses about creating quality, optimized local landing pages, but today, I’d like to talk about a topic that... [Read more]

‘The 7-Step Formula for Writing Copy That Sells’ – HubSpot

Eddie Shleyner says, “In Chicago, there’s a famous restaurant called Alinea. It’s one of only a handful of restaurants in America that have earned the coveted 3-star Michelin rating, making it one of the best restaurants in the world. But if you ask people who’ve dined there what makes it unique, most will tell you that, somehow, it’s... [Read more]

‘7 Social Media Marketing Secrets No Marketer Wants to Admit’ – Entrepreneur

Jayson Demers says, “Talk to professional online marketers, and they’ll likely tell you about the raw power of social media marketing. Talk to business owners from an older generation, and they’re likely to tell you how social media marketing is a useless fad. Obviously, the former group has an incentive to tell you how great social media... [Read more]

Perfect Storm Of SEO Traffic, Viral Traffic & Cash Generation #ad

Cindy Donovan Bettye has been hard at work, turning out useful software for people and companies who market their goods and services online. One of her latest and best is 'StickyPost'. This is a new WordPress plugin that any person can use. It lets you pull into your posts, graphics that will illustrate them, making them more attractive, more "sticky"... [Read more]

‘Adobe unveils Spark tool suite for small/medium businesses’ – Marketing Land

Barry Levine says, “Small and medium-sized businesses have more free ways to present their stories to customers, with Adobe’s recent announcement of its Spark suite of tools. They are intended for the creation of visually based marketing material for the Web and social networks, provided as four applications. Three of them are rebranded, existing... [Read more]

‘Five implications of Android Instant Apps for marketers’ – Econsultancy

Ben Davis says, “Android Instant Apps allows Android apps to run instantly, without requiring installation. Users will simply tap on a URL. Developers will need to ensure their apps are ‘modularized’ and then will be able to offer this service to users on Jelly Bean OS or later. Many have hailed this announcement from Google’s... [Read more]

‘Be Seen: How to Get More Eyeballs On Your Video’ –

Matt Byrom says, “Video has fast become a highly popular tool for many businesses to increase brand awareness, inform consumers about their product or service, and bring in more sales. Which is great news. So long as people can find your video of course. Now although search engines do like video content, they aren’t very good at the whole... [Read more]

Professional Instant covers for e-bbooks in a flash #ad

If you want to be an author, e-books are a good way to begin.  The costs to publish an e-book are minimal. And the time to publication can be less than a week after you finish writing your book... [Read more]

‘European Marketers More Likely to Model and Measure Customer-Obsessed Leadership’ – Forrester

James McQuivey says, “It’s the age of the customer and only the leaders who know how to lead their organizations to increased customer obsession will be able to keep up with hyperadoptive consumers. Those consumers already expect to get what they want, when, where, and how they want it. The only question will be who will give it to them?... [Read more]

‘Healthcare marketers making progress on measurement & metrics’ – Econsultancy

Patricio Robles says, “Measurement is top of mind for marketers and the organizations they serve, but it’s rarely a cut-and-dry matter. That’s particularly true for healthcare marketers. According to the Society for Healthcare Strategy and Marketing Development (SHSMD), there are a number of reasons for this. One is that historically,... [Read more]

‘TAG launches “Certified Against Fraud” program’ – Marketing Land

Ginny Marvin says, “The Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) announced Monday that it is launching its “Certified Against Fraud” certification program. Initially announced in October, over thirty ad tech and agency partners have now signed on to participate in the initiative aimed rooting out fraud in digital advertising: Amobee, AppNexus,... [Read more]

‘How to Make Remote Work Actually Work’ – HubSpot

Corey Wainwright says, “One of my favorite things about working remotely — which I do a few times a month — is the freedom to get comfortable. When I work from home, I’m usually find myself in one of three positions: sitting up at the table, laying down with my laptop, or buried in a pillow avalanche on my couch. (Sound familiar... [Read more]

‘LinkedIn’s First Competitor? beBee Buzzes into Social Networking’ – Entrepreneur

Matt Sweetwood says, “LinkedIn is the most widely used business networking site on the planet with more than 433 million worldwide users, including 128 million in the United States. The platform was launched on May 5, 2003 in the living room of co-founder, Reid Hoffman. By the end of its first month it had 4,500 users. Today, LinkedIn reaches... [Read more]

‘Your 5-Step Guide to Creating Quality Content — Every Time’ – Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur team says, “The idea of quality content has been around since 2011 when Google’s Panda Update first hit and sites with bad content were sent to the basement of search engine results. Since then, content providers have had to be on their toes to ensure that everything they create and post is high quality. But what, exactly, does... [Read more]

‘Maximizing Multiple Marketing Platforms for Success’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Regina Love says, “After 35 years in the industry, Chinese Laundry, a privately held women’s footwear company, continues to expand its influence season after season. During Internet Retailer Conference Exhibition (IRCE) 2015, MarketingSherpa’s Courtney Eckerle spoke at the MarketingSherpa Media Center with Scott Cohn, Vice President of Ecommerce,... [Read more]

‘How Real-Time Marketing Changes the Game’ – MarketingProfs

Tamar Weinberg says, “The age of social media has brought about a new dynamic in customer communications: The concept of “real time” has made companies more accountable to their customers. The application of the concept goes beyond generic customer service, however. In fact, if anything, companies and brands should see the importance... [Read more]

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