IM NewsWatch, May 1, 2015 - 'Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results – Econsultancy' and much more...

May 1st, 2015 at 9:07 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, May 1, 2015

‘Make Some Noise: Making the Most of Social Media at Conferences and Trade Shows’ – ‘’ Blog

Adrienne Erin says, “You’ve decided to attend a conference. Whether it’s a professional, industry-based conference or more of a local event, the opportunities for social engagement and increasing your brand’s reach are endless. However, without the right preparation and focus on social media, your efforts are likely to fall flat. Follow... [Read more]

‘Deep Links Yield Deep Data—But They Will Also Know A Lot About You’ – ‘ReadWrite’

Matt Asay says, “Deep linking is hot, and for good reason: it can make mobile search much more powerful by making it more predictive. In a world governed by small screen sizes and large intent, that’s a huge asset. And it’s why deep linking startup URX recently introduced AppViews, a product with the not-so-modest goal of “understand[ing]... [Read more]

‘The Social Media Content Calendar Every Marketer Needs’ – HubSpot

Corey Eridon says, “We have a 9 a.m. meeting? Yikes! Hold on — let me just click around the internet like a maniac to find something for the morning tweet. Sound familiar? Scrambling for social content is not a new phenomenon. We have meetings. We run late. Things come up. And it’s really hard to get any meaningful amount of work... [Read more]

Tube List Pro: bumps up your Google rankings #ad

New software (Tube List Pro) claims to bump your website to the top regions of Google’s rankings and rapidly build your mailing list, at the same time. It does this without making you: ¦ Do a lot of fancy (and hard) SEO ¦ Spend money on advertising ¦ Issue Press releases ¦ Engage in black-hat tricks ¦ Create content from scratch, or... [Read more]

‘Email Marketing and Copywriting: Why you should send “spam”’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog

Daniel Burstein says, “OK, I’ll admit it. The headline to this blog post is absolute clickbait. I would never suggest any marketer send spam. But, perhaps you should send “spam.” And “free.” And use other email spam trigger words in your email marketing. Writing email with one hand tied behind our backs Deliverability is a huge concern... [Read more]

‘Google cracks down on phishing with new Chrome extension’ – ‘Mashable’

Patrick Kulp says, “Google has unveiled a new Chrome extension aimed at thwarting phishing attacks. The free, open-source extension, called Password Alert, will send a warning whenever you type your Google password into a website outside of the Google domain. The service is designed to protect against unauthenticated emails and harmful websites... [Read more]

‘How to Increase Customer Interaction Using 6 Factors in Your Social Media’ – MarketingSherpa Blog

Daniel Beulah says, “With the plethora of social media platforms out there, each with its own unique features and elements, it has become harder for marketers to leverage these social channels into successful campaigns. In social media channels, what sets failed campaigns apart from successful ones is innovation. The millennial generation (people... [Read more]

Software Store Creator: Shortcut to a profitable online store #ad

Brett Ingram sells software online to businesses and individuals who need to improve their business results. He’s gotten good at it, and now he is sharing, not just his knowledge, but also his software that builds the online software stores, too, in his new product, Software Store Creator. You just use this software to create a software store... [Read more]

‘Google’s mobile friendly algorithm: four early test results’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Google’s ‘mobile friendly’ update came into effect recently and I have some early data showing the possible effects of the changes. For example, Barclays’ mobile-optimised homepage ranks well, but its non-optimised pages have dropped in the search rankings. Here are a few other test cases… The... [Read more]

‘An Introduction to Markup for Emails’ – MOZ Blog

Kristi Hines says, “If you are a Gmail user, you have likely received some emails that stand out from the rest with a call to action button within the subject line. If you’ve booked a flight recently, your airline may have sent you an email that includes an interactive way to view your travel plans”. An Introduction to [Read more]

‘The Tale of Two Ecommerce Companies That Turned Down Shark Tank Deals’ – HubSpot

Tracey Wallace says, “Choosing what to sell online is one of the most important decisions you’ll make as an entrepreneur. To be successful, you need to pick products that you’re passionate about andfind an ecommerce model that resonates with your personality. With that in mind, let’s look to popular TV show Shark Tank to help you get started... [Read more]

Create Stunning Local Websites in Just a Few Minutes #ad

There’s a thriving marketing for online consulting for local businesses. There are many services you can offer, one of the most fundamental, one that many local businesses still need, is a website to attract customers... [Read more]

‘Play It Right: Keys to a Successful Online Video Launch’ Blog

David Wallace says, “Video can be a great way to connect with your audience and increase brand awareness; there is a reason companies spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads each year. But most small to medium sized businesses can’t necessarily afford big-time advertising budgets. For many companies, a good online video helps engage your... [Read more]

‘What does the ideal click and collect service look like?’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Graham Charlton says, “Click and collect has now become a must have for online retailers and it isn’t just restricted to the multichannels. So what does the perfect click and collect experience look like? Here are some examples and ideas from retailers… Advertise it Click and collect can be a sales driver. Customers who aren’t... [Read more]

‘Save the date for Mashable’s 6th annual Social Media Day’ – ‘Mashable’

Tracey Edouard says, “In today’s tech-savvy society, it’s very easy to forget that social media hasn’t been around for very long. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way we communicate with each another. Not only does social media have the power to keep us in touch with our friends and... [Read more]

Cash bonanza from a simple 3.51 second video #ad

Ivana Bosnjak has come up with a solution to all these problems so you can create videos simply, quickly and without expensive software. With Video Cash Bonanza, you (even if you are a beginner) can be a video marketer. She used this strategy to earn several hundred dollars from a video that was under 4 seconds long... [Read more]

‘Why You Can’t Get an Accurate Sales Forecast’ – HubSpot

Ken Thoreson says, “”I can’t get an accurate sales forecast.” Just last week I heard this comment from a new client. Frankly, it is a common phase I have often heard from CFOs, presidents, and VPs of sales. But what’s the resolution? Many consultants would drag out their “scorecards” or “methodology” to fix... [Read more]

‘How to build an effective B2B multichannel commerce platform’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

Glen Hartman says, “If you think extending the customer experience through a range of digital channels is only for B2C companies, think again. Consumer shopping habits are spilling over to what business customers are expecting today, a trend that significantly ups the ante for B2B suppliers to build their multichannel commerce capabilities This... [Read more]

‘Circle Back Like A Serious Pro By Automating Sales Follow-Ups’ – ‘’ Blog team says, “Why is follow-through important in a sport like golf? Well, a physicist will tell you that it improves momentum, which essentially means the ball goes further when you hit it and lands where you want it. Same thing for business. You’ve made the initial sales call, now you need to follow up to continue the momentum and... [Read more]

Get more traffic to your videos without SEO #ad

If you want more people to see your videos, you've got to drive more traffic. But how do you send more traffic to see your videos? Well, most people try to do it through SEO, either using Google search or YouTube search... [Read more]

‘How to Create Boring-Industry Content that Gets Shared’ – MOZ Blog

Ronell Smith says, “If you think creating content for boring industries is tough, try creating content for an expensive product that’ll be sold in a so-called boring industry. Such was the problem faced by Mike Jackson, head of sales for a large Denver-based company that was debuting a line of new high-end products for the fishing industry... [Read more]

‘How Emails Are Evolving into Mailable Microsites’ by Jay Baer

Baer says, ““The emails of the future will be much more like sending subscribers a microsite than a static message,” I say at the end of my book, Email Marketing Rules. Watching videos, browsing product assortments, and even making product purchases will also be possiblewithout leaving the inbox. When the book was published last fall, there... [Read more]

‘Hashing Out Hashtags: What They Are & How to Use Them’ – HubSpot

Carly Stec says, “What do overalls, Mariah Carey’s Christmas album, and hashtags all have in common? Believe it or not, they are all products of the 90s. While hashtags didn’t rise to popularity (with the help of Twitter) until after 2007, they were actually first used during the late 90s to categorize items into groups on IRC (Internet... [Read more]

‘Microsoft shows off new visual features in Windows 10, new Windows Store options’ – ‘Mashable’

Christina Warren says, “Aereo Glass is back! At its annual Build conference, Microsoft showed off some new features of Windows 10, including a more transparent look and feel. Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore, the corporate vice president of the operating system group, showed off a bunch of new Windows 10 features — including updates to Cortana... [Read more]

Create Stunning Local Websites in Just a Few Minutes #ad

There’s a thriving marketing for online consulting for local businesses. There are many services you can offer, one of the most fundamental, one that many local businesses still need, is a website to attract customers. In fact, many local businesses need help with their online marketing and don’t know where to turn. They will invest thousands of... [Read more]

‘An Introduction to Markup for Emails’ – MOZ Blog

Kristi Hines says, “If you are a Gmail user, you have likely received some emails that stand out from the rest with a call to action button within the subject line. If you’ve booked a flight recently, your airline may have sent you an email that includes an interactive way to view your travel plans. Similarly, Google Inbox app users might... [Read more]

‘How Podcasts Can Attract Leads and Drive Sales’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

Mitch Meyerson says, “The proliferation of smartphones and other mobile devices with broadband connections has made podcasting an ideal channel for claiming the attention of targeted prospects and getting them to buy from you. But things have changed: It used to be that by simply launching a podcast, you’d attract an audience. So few shows... [Read more]

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