IM NewsWatch, June 3, 2013 - Latest IM News including ‘How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic – Business 2 Community’ and much more...

June 3rd, 2013 at 4:00 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Monday, June 3, 2013

‘Why You Should Consider Inbound BEFORE Your Next Site Redesign’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Why You Should Consider Inbound BEFORE Your Next Site Redesign”. Alec Biedrzycki says, “There are two marketing initiatives I hear about all the time: 1) Adopting more inbound strategies, and 2) planning a website redesign. And both are great! But the big question most people face... [Read more]

‘The Rise Of Social Commerce: How Tweets, Pins And Likes Can Turn Into Sales’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”The Rise Of Social Commerce: How Tweets, Pins And Likes Can Turn Into Sales”. Josh Luger says, “Overall usage on social media platforms is exploding. Millions and millions of consumers are expressing likes on Facebook, tweeting about products on Twitter, and pinning on Pinterest... [Read more]

‘Google Changing Your Title Tags? Time To Rethink Strategy’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Google Changing Your Title Tags? Time To Rethink Strategy”. Ross Hudgens says, “If you’re at all present with your SEO strategy, you might have noticed that Google is now starting to pick their own title tags for you.All across the SERPs, title tags are being reselected for... [Read more]

“Covert Store Builder” coming soon for more Amazon commissions #ad

There is a new WordPress theme called Covert Store Builder launching later this week. (But keep reading; there’s free training today.) You may already know of the IM Wealth Builders team, who created it. if you have seen their previous Covert Social Press, Covert PinPress and Covert VideoPress products, this one is a worthy successor to them. The... [Read more]

‘Experts Speak: Social-SEO Starter Kit’ – ‘Website Magazine’ Article

The latest article on ‘Website Magazine’ is titled “Experts Speak: Social-SEO Starter Kit”. Amberly Dressler says, “Google+, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are now an important part of the digital world for consumers, and search engines have taken aggressive steps to weave the social experience into the results pages. What specific steps... [Read more]

‘Increase Conversions by Limiting Choices’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “Increase Conversions by Limiting Choices”. Kathleen Fealy says, “We all like choices. They offer opportunities to find the best solution. However our brains like to keep things simple. If you offer your shoppers too many choices, they sometimes can’t make a decision and end up leaving.... [Read more]

‘Organize Your Twitter Stream – Use Lists Read’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Organize Your Twitter Stream – Use Lists Read”. Bridget Willard says, “Organization is important in almost every area of our lives whether we’re categorizing seeds (like in the photo), filing receipts for tax time, or following people on Twitter.Often those new to Twitter... [Read more]

Azon Commission Crusher: Give visitors the discounts they love #ad

People love discounts. If you can find a discount they can’t find for themselves (or don’t want to do the work to find), you have a potential sale. That’s the premise behind Azon Commission Crusher. This plugin places a discount finder tool on your Amazon affiliate website. Visitors enter their needs and it finds discounts at Amazon... [Read more]

‘How To Be Relevant On Twitter Without The Help Of Influencers’ – ‘ReadWrite’

The latest post on ‘ReadWrite’ is titled “How To Be Relevant On Twitter Without The Help Of Influencers”. Muhammad Yasin says, “There’s a gold rush going on – online marketers are frantically searching for influencers to share their content through social media platforms like Twitter. The idea is that the influencer’s... [Read more]

‘Social customer service: the challenge for brands in 2013′ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “Social customer service: the challenge for brands in 2013″. Luke Brynley-Jones says, “In recent years social customer service has endured crises and successes in equal measure. Here’s a quick evaluation of where we are today, with some pointers for the future. For an increasing... [Read more]

‘7 Social Media Tips for CEOs’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “7 Social Media Tips for CEOs”. The Business News Daily team says, “Businesses can no longer afford to have top leaders sit on the social media sidelines, a new study finds. More than three-quarters of executives worldwide believe it is a good idea for CEOs to participate in social media, the... [Read more]

Lazy Man’s Profits: women may do even better #ad

Actually, the main case study on the sales page is about Paula, a mother of two girls. Paula used this training to set up her own home business and did very well. See the sales page here for the details Lazy Man’s Profits is the creation of Robert Phillips and Hitesh Juneja. It is intended to take a brand new person with no online experience and... [Read more]

‘Inbound, Outbound, Outhouse’ – ‘SEO Book’ Blog

The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Inbound, Outbound, Outhouse”. Aaron Wall says, “Jon Henshaw put the hammer down on inbound marketing highlighting how the purveyors of “the message” often do the opposite of what they preach. So much of the marketing I see around that phrase is either of the “clueless newb”... [Read more]

‘Mozscape’s Third May 2013 Index Is Now Live’ – MOZ Blog

The latest MOZ blog post is titled “Mozscape’s Third May 2013 Index Is Now Live”. Brad Friedman says, “Our third May Mozscape index is now live; that’s a whole lot of fresh data for one month! Check out the updates in all of your favorite apps, including Open Site Explorer, the Mozbar, your PRO campaigns, and the Mozscape API”. Mozscape’s... [Read more]

‘Why Social Media Advertising Is Set To Explode’ – Business Insider

The latest article on Business Insider is titled ”Why Social Media Advertising Is Set To Explode”. Josh Luger says, “It’s not difficult to understand the lure of social media advertising. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are daily destinations for millions of consumers. Increasingly, their ad products offer targeting... [Read more]

Help your customers make money playing video games #ad

The prolific Mark Lareau has turned his talents to a popular subject, video gaming. He has produced a report for you to sell or give away on the topic of gaming for profit. Lots of people are interested in the topic. There are 698,000 results for “make money playing video games”. With Lareau’s new Video Game PLR, you can enter this... [Read more]

‘9 Tips on Becoming a More Creative and Productive Writer’ – ‘Copyblogger’ Blog

The latest post on ‘Copyblogger’ Blog is titled “9 Tips on Becoming a More Creative and Productive Writer”. Richard M. Hartian says, “Dorothy Parker famously said: “I hate writing. I enjoy having written.” Don’t we all? We love the end result, the feeling of accomplishment and creative fulfillment. But the hardest thing for most... [Read more]

‘Americans spend 58 minutes a day on their smartphones’ – Experian Blog

The latest post on Experian blog is titled “Americans spend 58 minutes a day on their smartphones”. John Fetto says, “New data from Experian Marketing Services’ Simmons® ConnectSM mobile and digital panel sheds light on the way smartphone users spend time using their phone, with the average adult clocking 58 minutes daily on their... [Read more]

Download: Marketo’s ‘Create Posts People Want To Share’ eBook

Marketo has released an ebook titled “Create Posts People Want To Share”. The Marketo team says, “Are you still trying to find the right formula for making your Facebook posts more shareable? In this eBook, you’ll learn key tips and strategies for creating highly shareable posts, plus get a look at the latest research on Facebook’s... [Read more]

iMaster YouTube: Guide to Creating Unique Content from YouTube #ad

There are millions of YouTube videos, including many in your niche. It’s a goldmine of ideas and techniques. But it’s more than that; it’s a goldmine of content for your website and your products. People who put videos on YouTube usually are pleased if they are shared, and YouTube gives you the code to place on your site for sharing... [Read more]

‘Increasing B2B Leads with Social Media – Are We Getting Close to Cracking the Code?’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “Increasing B2B Leads with Social Media – Are We Getting Close to Cracking the Code?”. Louis Foong says, “Are you like Dan, the executive I talked about in my post on The Top Social Media Skills Marketing Executives Need in 2013? If yes, then you, like Dan are struggling to... [Read more]

’11 things I’ve learned from writing 1,000 blog posts’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “11 things I’ve learned from writing 1,000 blog posts”. David Moth says, “I’ve now been at Econsultancy for more than 18 months and in that time I’ve written more than 1,000 blog posts. When I first started my background was in journalism and research, so I had relatively... [Read more]

‘Tumblr Brings Sponsored Posts to Your Desktop Feed’ – ‘Mashable’

The latest post on ‘Mashable’ is titled “Tumblr Brings Sponsored Posts to Your Desktop Feed”. Lauren Indvik says, “One month after introducing sponsored posts to users’ mobile news feeds (a.k.a. dashboards), Tumblr announced that it’s bringing the ad unit to desktop news feeds, as well. The ad units look like a regular... [Read more]

Multipurpose WordPress Theme for any WordPress site #ad

WordPress has long ago outgrown its “typecasting” as a blogging platform. It can play that role, of course, but it does many other things well, too: • It can house a portfolio for a photographer, architect or artist. • It can host a mobile site intended for smartphones and tablets. • It can be an “image site” for... [Read more]

‘Can a People-Centric Social Media Strategy Scale?’ – HubSpot

The latest article on HubSpot blog is titled ”Can a People-Centric Social Media Strategy Scale?”. Rosalia Cefalu says, “Remember when social media was social? Now, among the deluge of complaints, emoticons, and spam, individuals and businesses alike now find it nearly impossible to find and manage those one-to-one conversations... [Read more]

‘3 Simple Design Techniques’ – Web Marketing Today

The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “3 Simple Design Techniques”. Drew Coffin says, “Sometimes a design needs something extra to make it stand out. The smallest details can transform a design from average to outstanding. Drop shadows, gradients, and textures are three simple techniques for improving a design. I’ll explain... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′, June 11-13

The ‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′ is taking place at McCormick Place – West Building, 2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, Chicago, Illinois on June 11-13. The ‘Conversion Conference Chicago 2013′ team says, “Whether you’re a marketer, analyst, web designer, or you are involved in generating results and revenues... [Read more]

‘On Page SEO Guide – How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic’ – ‘Business 2 Community’ Article

The latest article on ‘Business 2 Community’ is titled “On Page SEO Guide – How To Rank Higher And Get More Traffic”. Pablo Binkowski says, “On page SEO is probably the easiest thing you can do to your pages to improve their ranking, provide a better experience for your readers and bring more traffic. The other one is content.Unlike off... [Read more]

‘This week’s finest digital marketing infographic’ – ‘Econsultancy’ Blog

The latest ‘Econsultancy’ blog post is titled “This week’s finest digital marketing infographic”. David Moth says, “This week’s finest digital marketing infographic comes from Wishpondwith this effort looking at the state of social media marketing. It gives a run through of various useful stats on social media... [Read more]

Reminder- ‘Impacting Local SEO Rankings with Local Business Listing Management‘ – Third Door Media Webinar June 27

Third Door Media is hosting a webinar on Thursday, June 27 at 1.00 pm EDT. The topic of the webinar is “Impacting Local SEO Rankings with Local Business Listing Management”. The TDM team says, “Now more than ever managing local business listings across search engines, Internet directories and social networks can influence local search... [Read more]

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